

  • im not gonna like i love the thought of chocolate as a MUFA lol :laugh: but the thought of the sassy water doesnt make me feel so sassy i think i'll stick to my calorie watching and workouts :tongue:
  • im going for a little basketball for atleast an hour on sunday with hubby make sure i stay on track with my calories no junk food for me i hope to definately weigh less by monday woo hoo!:laugh:
  • glad im not the only one my sister is 5'5 and weigh 110 wet eight i think lol and my mom is 5'7 and weighs 120 i have to admit though at lightest which has been 147 i am 5'5 i blow them both out of the body competition lol i got all my genes from my dad side of the family which explains alot since my grandmother from my…
  • i hear ya ....its funny cause when i look back at pictures of me when i was young i didnt think i was that fat but whatever im jsut tired of her telling me how fat i am and now she pops up with this lol i thinks its kinda funny but if it helps i would like to try it
  • My mom came to visit me and Jaiden today and brouhgt along Slimquick Hoodia she says it will help wiht the weight loss lol keep in mind my mother has always had an issue with my weight ever since i was little she and my sister are of smaller frame so i was the odd cow out well she thought this would help out more anyways…
  • Thanks for your Replys right now i can only do home based things since i dont have anyone to look after my son my hubby doesnt come home till late and i cant drive so im pretty much stuck at home i find that dancing is a great stress realiever and quite a workout for me has anybody here tried the Zumba workout? im curious…
  • Thank you all i feel alot better today i mapped out my food for the day and excercise as well to help me keep on track i decided to call yesterday my cheat meal day lol wahtever lets me sleep at night huh thank you again for the encouraging words they really help
  • i was doing pretty good with my calories till today i had subway and hubby brought home chocolate chip cookies my 1 weekness so i ate 2 not able to control myself ugh i feel horrible not to mention i ate a whole footlong of the italian bmt i tried working out all the calories but fell 103 calories short i cant believe i…
  • ok so i just started mfp yesterday and started my journey to lose 80 pounds on monday so need less to say i need Cardio ideas that are fun and easy to do i have tried tae bo but it is to intense for me right now since im jsut starting yesterday and today i have just tried dancing for about 30 with a few intervals in…
  • i have taken a day off of the cardio i think i was jsut overdoing it the anxiety of wanting to lose the weight drives me to want to push harder but i cant lol i think i realized it after the work out i would feel faint like cant breath kind of dizzy nothing water and rest could fix i thinks its just he barely any sleep…
  • Hello all i am New to the board and on a mission to lose 80 poundsi dont have a set date just kind of as soon as peguinely possible lol i am a 20yr old mother of one gorgeous little boy who is 7 months old and the main reason aside from others that i need to lose the weight i want to be able to keep up with him when he…
  • I am also new here and my son is 7 months old im on a mission to lose 80 pounds i had lost all the baby weight but in a matter of months all this weight crept up on me lol i guess weight flies when your taking care of a little one Best of luck to us both :happy: