

  • Here is the tale, a great week of good food, exercise and great sleep. Then just when I think after 3 weeks of "Good" I eat half a block of chocolate! In private and in a hurry. So in desparation I thought I would confess and move on. Self Sabotage, mental blank, what ever I now feel sick and sorry for myself and my team.…
  • Hi There, just wanted to say I loved your answers to your questions! 4 generation of women at one table would sure be interesting as to who was in charge of the kitchen!
  • Welcome Alison, I'll take the 1/2 marathon as inspirational. I am only aiming to get back to regular daliy runs for about 30 minutes each day. If any of us need running tips we know where to ask :) Cheers Moreeta
  • Hi Rach, is that you really under the car? If so Impressive!
  • Hi fellow Purple team, Great to see so many people joining up for the next 16 weeks. Most Exciting!! Thought I might introduce myself to you. I'm 41 with my next birthday sooner than later! I work full time plus run a small programing business. Married with 3 children 12, 14 & 16, an d my family is complete with a dog and…
  • Welcome to you as well Dr Alex! Great site the very best chance to the road to success! good luck as a fairly new member as well.
  • Hi Rach, how do we go the purple thread? look forward to getting to know my purple team better so thanks very much :) Cheers Moreeta ps I will organise a photo soon
  • I think a different thread is good idea! It will also make the communications easier for each group - like said more team connection! Go Purple!
  • Hi Canelita, here a my measurements Neck 13 Waist 33 Hips 44 Thanks for organising!
  • Hi all team members, I am soo excited about joining the Purple Team and the chance to be an online participant to share the weightloss journey with others from mostly across the other side of the planet! I have only just watched my first season of Biggest Loser in Australia and was a huge fan. One of the best aspects of…
  • Yipee and thank you so much I am so delighted to be on the purple team. I will measure once I return home from work. Starting Weight 171.6 Dec Goal Weight 145 GO Team!
  • Hi I'm a newbie to the site, is it too late to join a team and the challenge. Current weight 78 kgs 171.6lbs 16 weeks to December wow how exciting! Looking forward to hear from you regards Moreeta
  • Hi there, Just wanted to send a post of encouragement from a new person to this site - 1 week down. I am delighted to see your daughter be positive and encourage you. The best of luck with your weight loss journey and your family. Moreeta Australia
  • Hi and Welcome Charity, Have just joined this week and can relate to the task ahead seeming like a hard one. I too weigh more than I have ever before and now is the time to stop the cycle before it gets worse. I weigh 78kg (171.6 in lbs) and should be 68 or 150 lbs. My youngest child is 12 so have no excuse! goodluck to us…