Kristy528 Member


  • Monday nights on CBS has pretty good TV. 2 Broke Girls, Mike and Molly and they are bringing back Rules of Engagement. I like a good comedy as you can tell. Parenthood is an amazing show! Modern Family, Suburbatory, The Middle, Happy Endings, and Don't Trust the B*** in Apt 23. I also like Whitney but I keep missing it…
  • I couldn't agree more with the person above me, its a change of life not on or off the wagon..or some people say a "diet". Remember one thing. It takes 6 weeks to form a habit. So start with making little changes 6 weeks at a time that are attainable. Baby steps defin. are key in making progress esp if you have a really…
    in Help! Comment by Kristy528 January 2013
  • I also added 2 2lb dumbbells along with the kettle bell and they both said 14lbs. I will let you all know what I come up with tonite after weighing myself at the gym and coming home and weighing myself on both scales. Depending on what happens with that I may also weigh myself holding the kettle bell and see what that says…
  • Houston we have a problem!!! I put my kettlebell on both scales and they both read I am really confused and dont know what to do. I got on both scales and they both read 3 lbs difference for me just like this morning. This is mind boggling...and frustrating. Anyone have any ideas? The only thing I can think…
  • Thank you everyone for the advice. It's nice to know that I am not alone in this one and its a common thing. Soon as I get home this evening I am going to be putting my scale to the test. LOL I have a feeling the new one is probably right though. I know its all the same loss of weight. I was just really looking forward to…
  • I clip mine on my bra right between my girls...I thought i read when i was setting my Fitbit up that you should have it clipped on the upper half of your body....maybe im wrong. When I am at home in my PJ's but not going to bed yet i clip to the collar of my shirt.
  • I like to take bottled water and use the flavored water packets and mix that with flavored vodka. (Grape flavored pinnacle with grape flavored crystal light (not the kind with aspartame)). I used the Splenda or Truvia sweetened ones personally cause aspartame is extremely BAD for you.
  • Thanks so much! So I did it correctly then, I knew I burned more than 425 calories doing that class when MFP quotes me a little over 600. I logged it in MFP and then Fitbit still gave me about 60 in activity adjustment. SCORE!! YAY!! Thanks Again :)
  • What about for Combat, since i was using Kickboxing(turbo-jam) on MFP my calorie burn is higher than what it gave me on my FitBit last night...not sure if its tracking all the calories burned from all the punches and other arm movements...What do you use for Pump on MFP?
  • Zumba, Combat, Pump and Body Flow are my gym Obsessions. As for food that is where I struggle the most but I am working hard to get better. I am on a Grilled chicken ceasar salad kick at the moment. :)
  • Thanks a lot! Sounds like I need both :) Maybe I will start with the HRM and see how that works out and then get the fitbit. I want them both, but I really need the HRM to get a calorie count on all my group exercises classes. Since I am going off of a guesstimate.
  • Now I am getting confused and conflicted, is this not going to work for my group exercise classes like pump, zumba and body combat? i want something that will track all of my progress not just my time at the gym. Feeling confused at this point.
  • Does the FitBit only run off of Apple Phones or do they have something for Android as well? I am not a I-phone user, I prefer Android.
  • It sounds like the FitBit would be best for me too then. I am looking for overall actitivty. Being I have a sedentary job I want to get a realistic count on how much im actually moving and burning compared to what "I think". I think I may be in for a relaity check.... Does the fitbit help you figure out your body fat?
  • Did that happen during the soulder track? I have been doing Body Pump for over a year now, but I agree you have to be careful on what you are lifting and most importantly form.
  • Thanks so much guys. To answer someones question about what I was looking to get out of it. Mostly I am trying to get a more accurate calorie count on everything, being that all the classes I take at the gym vary on what your putting out (so to speak). Sounds like the fitbit may be just want I am looking for. I am very…
  • Someone else mentioned the Polar FT4 and I I was conflicted with that. One I wasn't sure does it show calorie burn or just HRM also i don't know i want a watch. I own many watches already and i work in an office and would prefer to have something on my arm dressier than a sports watch. I like with the Fit bit that it says…
  • May I ask where do you keep it on your body? I read reviews of women putting them on their bras and things, however i saw people saying they ruined theirs from sweat...<---worried me a little being I feel like I sweat more now than I ever have.
  • I am thinking of looking into getting something to help me track everything more accurate. I am thinking maybe a fit bit, because it syncs with My fitness pal. Do you know anything about those?
  • Has anyone used the Fit Bits's or heard anything about them. I would rather not have something that is a watch only because I work in an office and own many watches already so i want something that looks classy.... I also thought about trying the Nike Fuel Band too but the reviews gave me mixed feelings on it.
  • Body Pump has some cardio it will get your heart up for some of the tracks (squats, lunges and back mostly) I may try doing that. Thank you.
  • Thanks I will try doing that instead of my own guesstimate of calories. I am curious to hear if anyone else has any pointers as well. I was thinking of asking for a Fit Bit for Christmas in hopes that may help with the entire process.