stc74 Member


  • clearance. nike crosstrainers $25
  • That is so inspiring! I just don't run; it hurts. My knees scream and I had back surgery a few years ago. I would love to see something like that where I teach. It would be awesome even for the kids who have to speed walk it (I would probably be with them).
  • I wanna play too! CW 184.5 GW 160 I've been stuck here for 8 weeks! Its gotta give someday soon!!!!! Maybe a challenge will help, but I've been doing pretty good eating, but I know working out will get harder when school starts next week.
  • I prefer brown sugar in my oatmeal but usually settle for splenda & cinnamon most days. I can tell you what I won't put in my oatmeal again....protein powder. Yuck! My hubby said it was good so I put a scoop of my chocolate peanut butter flavored protein powder. I was expecting malto meal flavor. WRONG! It was the closest…
  • chocolate, peanut butter, wine
  • I was measuring every week but it was up & down and inch or so all over so I'm going to hold measuring to maybe once a month now.
  • I hope to have what was supposed to be bday, valentine's day, mother's day etc this year. I only wanted one thing, but a little pricey. I need new seals for the t tops in my Camaro so it won't rain inside and I can hear the radio again :) I'm hoping soon money loosens up and I can get them!!!!
  • swimming. that's how i recovered from back surgery
  • warm it slightly in the microwave and stir it into a sugar free chocolate pudding cup YUM!!
  • mexican-crockpot-creamy-chicken"> this one. I've made several other variation and use deer meat also. Very good.
  • bump
  • Nope! First--cost, Second--not sure I can pick something for life like that I got a belly piercing when I lost weight the first time. I can change it or take it out any time I want. Funny thing tho--three years and haven't changed it. Still the first one I got.
  • I don't mind tats on a guy if tasteful & minimal. My hubby kinda wants a tat and I'm thinking two dragons fighting. I'll probably design it for him when the time comes (if ever--he's tat free & that's fine by me). I DO NOT like piercings on a guy. Old fogey I'm sure, but I don't. I especially don't like the two earring…
  • Lets see... chocolate & peanut butter white wine & dark chocolate strawberry wine & plain cheese cake--rare but amazing! tuna patties & lemon juice--lots! onions & mushrooms on so many things jalapeno poppers & ranch! not all exactly diet food :( but I sure will work out hard to have one at night!
  • I've got a friend who was on a soft food diet for a long time and ate LOTS of Jello. Her nails & hair grew like crazy and the dr told her it was from the Jello. Can't hurt to try a 10 cal treat to grow your hair while doing other stuff too.
  • Yay!!!! Happy for you and keeping me motivated trying to get there myself.
  • ok, i must have skipped over the one post that explained my questions. sorry.
  • why can't you change the battery? it looks like its easy to open? Just wondering since I've got one.
  • Hey, I'm in a boat like that. I'm eating well and working out and in best shape of the last 15 yrs. Scale basically hasn't moved. I'll go up 2 or3 then down 2 or 3. So nada here also. I've got a friend who is eating similar calories of more junky food than me & she's losing. We joke about it all the time. I need her…
  • So am I! I got heavy eating too much healthy food to comfort myself. I've just got to reign in my portion sizes. Being addicted to food is socially acceptable in many ways. We center our family activities around food. I'm trying to make it a goal to make some new yummy and healthy recipe with my Mom every weekend. Last…
  • I gained eating too much healthy food. I'm sure many others did on here also. Comfort eating way too many calories is damaging no matter where those calories came from.
  • inspirational!
  • You do have to be committed but that will be easier if you aren't alone. You can have virtual friends on here and maybe get a couple friends or family members who are in this with you. I know that even when I'm terribly frustrated it helps that I have friends on here and one close friend who is in this with me. It helps if…
  • I love acidophilus, its better than any softner or laxitive ever. If you are getting out of whack digestively from food changes or from falling off the wagon and eating a big mac, it will straighten things back out. Also great to take preventatively when on antibiotics to avoid intestinal side affects or yeast infections.
    in Acidophilus Comment by stc74 August 2011
  • I would think a diet based on blood type is about as useful and one based on eye color.
  • I'm trying to make myself stay away from the scale for awhile. It's driving me to insanity i think. If I can make it to Monday that is a week without looking at the scale. There is my challenge on here.......stay off the scale for a week.
  • GRRRRRRRRR! I hate seeing that everyday and still being stuck on a plateau. It should let us hide that part on here!
  • I haven't been at it that long, saw my dr yesterday and everything looked good except for a stress issue that I'm working at and may be messing with my ability to get this thing kick started but she encouraged me to keep looking for what works for me. She was very interested in how this site might help others to better…
  • that is why i'm leary of going tooo low carb. I keep mine between 100-200 most of the time. When the carbs get lower than that i deal with headaches which can get pretty bad.