familygirl37167 Member


  • Ok team update 45 minutes of spin this morning what a great great workout.. My hubby and i shared a red robin cheeseburger and fries and cheese dip and then I had a double scooop of ice cream dont think I ate over my calories but not gonna log it.. Probably not tomorrow either going to cicics pizza with all of my family…
  • hey team..I hope you are all getting your planks in.. I have to be honest and say I have not done them as much as I should have been doing them.. I weighed this morning and I am where I need to be dow 0.2 oz.. I will take it... Its not a gain so I am happy pappy. I hate to see a gain even if in the slighest bit,, But hey 2…
  • A plank is where you come lay on the ground on your elbows and tipsy toes. but not up in the air and you are flat from shoulders to heels up in the a push up but you never come down you hold youself in that position and pull your core in.. Good luck..Good challange Jena Have a Healthy day everyone!!:happy:
  • Good Morning everyone.. Where oh where is everyone at?? Welcome amy to our group she is gonna weigh in on thursday.. Jade is still not feeling well with 102 temp at 1130 lastnight..I gave her tylenol and just now I gave her motrin.. Gonna attempt 90 minutes at the gym before she wakes up.. She know how to call me if she…
  • Jena thanks for the help. Welcome aboard Amy, we are glad you are here.. Here is a short chart combining the last 2 weeks so bear with me.. Hold on daughters throwing up!!! Ok I may resume my previosly scheduled projects.. I just took her temperature its 102.1 and she just threw up her motrin..Great..Gonna be a long…
  • Well everyone I know I have promise you charts for like 2 or 3 days now and I am so sorry I think my head is spinning trying to get it all together baby girl is sleeping she has the flu. waiting for her medicine to get done, then at 2 gotta drop off girl scout cookies take my son to baseball practice, go get daughter…
  • Hey everyone as if I didn't have enough going as I sit in dr office with my baby girl who won't eat and won't drink and runrunning a fever of 101. I will send her a hug from y'all Here comes dr gotta go!!
  • Sorry people..Promise chart today..slept in 45 minutes past m time now scrambling to get coffee in and oatmeal in..will check backlater..Hope everyone had a great valentines day!!
  • Good morning..Everyone..trying to get charts together..I havent recieved any weights from jena to my inbox..Challange this weeek..Hummmm thinking trying to think of a good one.. Lets say put yourself first this week.. If normally you would do something for someone else..think of yourself first..we cant take care of anyone…
  • Back to basic team come out come out where ever you are!!! Come back to me.. I will post chart tomorrow trying to finsih up studying these behavorial questions formy interview tomorrow!!
  • Howdy busy day for me today..scootering getting kis home son has baseball practice hubby has a service call daughter wants to swim i am gonaa lift need o get shirt for interview tomorrow i need to get eyebrows waxed,oh yeah and deliever girl scout cookies..So what am i doing sitting at the computer..eatin my oatmeal and…
  • I have had to have my resized twice and they still roll around...Nerving..but lets me know oh how far I have come.. Congrats
  • hey there just checking in.. Have a busy day planned about as busy as yesterday so I will be non exsistent today..But my eating will be a whole lot better then yesterday lets just say I had the best valentine with my honey and thats hard to say because sometimes you just loose the touch after 11 years together..But he made…
  • Good Morning my peeps..The scale was up on me this morning by 1.2 nothing at all.. I know and I say that to myself, but also with the gain I am showing almost a 1% in muscle gain also.. So I will take it.. Last day of training went well.. I made it to the next step.. I have an interview monday at 1145 am.. I am the only…
  • hey team just a real quick check in..Gym was closed at 5 am so I slept in went from 8-930 then headed back at 130 with amber for last minute workout then home to get ready for last day of class training.. I find out tonight if I move on.. I have a really good feeling about this.. Don- Thanks for posting recipe. Bobbie-Glad…
  • Howdy team dont have much more time to say then to say hello..Sorry if I am not motivating anyone right now, seems like I have a zazillion things on my plate..Oh yeah I do..My daughter is not allowed to go back to school til tomorrow so I guess one more day home with her..I am totally enjoying it.. Today is gonna be study…
  • Hey team..I have been very busy today seems like I am letting ya'll down I just dont have time to stop right now and do the stinkin chart.. This morning went to the gym for 90 minutes home..showered..breakfast for me..breakfast for kids..made son lunch..then off to take son to school..then daughter to the dr.. then to the…
  • Hey team. Just got home a bit ago with little girl from surgery, just wanted to update you all.. I cried the whole time it took them about a whole ten minutes.. they clipped the skin between her upper lip and the skin under her tongue..they said she was tongue tied, when I walked back into the room she was droggie.. I was…
  • Hey team busy day for me also..Didnt get home until 11 pm last night from super bowl, extremely tired. My muscles are KILLING me..I ran yesterday 10.2 miles instead of bewteen 4-8 now off to the gym slept an extra 30 minutes then my daughter has her surgrey today at 930. then I start my last week of training tonight so.. I…
  • Howdy Team and Happy Super Bowl for everyone..Today will be a day I enjoy..Yesterday was my sister in laws birthday Tuesday is my moms birthday tues will be 14 years since my husband lost his grandfather(really father he rasied him) and the super bowl is today.. I am headed out in about an hour to run about 8 miles then…
  • just stoppiong by to say hi and bye running behind..headed out for laser hair removal that my friend is doing for me..I am excited!!
  • lol DH= Darling your case would be DW=Darling Wife!! Iwilllet ya'll know about the pizza..promise
  • Good Morning everyone, just wanted to send a quick shout out out.. I am literally running behind, so better get my butt in gear. I had a good weigh in I was down 1.6 I will take it, its better then a gain..Heck maintiance would have been better then a gain.. Amber and I are making homemade healthy pizza today, I am gonna…
  • Good Morning everyone.. I am having so much fun in training learning alot and enjoying every minutes of it.. Today we actually get to go to the warehouse and watch people work.. Then after that t 8 I am suppost to meet amber up for our last minute workout..We shall see if that happens, I may be way to tired..Tomorow we are…
  • He is just as lucky to have you.. I so miss you and I am glad you are enjoyign baking for him.. and you and little sprout!!! I am looking at recipes to bake my mom a healthy cake for her birthday that we are celebrating on super bowl. I plan ono getting up on sunday and running 8 miles beforewe head to moms house for super…
  • I use fit and active balsamic vingerette, or when I get a subway salad I have them load it up with red vinager its just as good.. I am super proud of you for posting here. I finally got you on here. I am glad you decided to turn your mood around!! You have this its well worth it in the end!
  • Good afternoon Rachel welcome to the team we welcome anyone and everyone.. If you wouldnt mind sending me a message with your starting weight and goal weigh in my mail box I will put you on the chart on sunday..welcome to a great group!! Oh yeah this week we are jumpin rope during commerical during one program you watch!!
  • hey there team..Needlesss to say I am loving training,thinking its gonna be a great company to work for, just ready to get in and get a paycheck. On the daughter news we get her to the dentist they prep I fill out paper work, they hook her up to oxygen to put er to sleepI put on paper she HAD a heart murmur when she was a…
  • Checking in to say hey.. Have you drank your water and have you done your jumping rope?? Needless to say training...shhhheeeessshhh...thats a lot of imformationto throw at someone, but had a good time and really think I am gonna like this company.. Busy day on the agenda again today.. Daughter has to go to oral surgeon an…