

  • I started with volume, did this a few times a week then ramped it up. Made me feel weaker, started actually tracking weight/reps and saw I was going down after each workout. I found the sweet spot eventually, for me to make any improvement I had to wait 4 days. If I waited 3, my numbers would pretty much be identical.…
  • I switched over to an IF style timing. I eat my meals between 12pm-6pm, usually that this involves is eating a medium lunch right at noon and a large meal at around 4pm. It's enough to keep me filled until I wake up the next morning. I really couldn't stand to eat again later, because I'm full. The eating window approach…
  • Wrestlers tend to have a lot more grip/wrist strength and know how to use momentum to their advantage. They're little power-houses for their size. In season they're constantly cutting while still maintaining explosive strength. Friggin evil monsters. So, honestly not very surprised. Any of those kids could probably kick my…
  • I use casein from optimum nutrition, blueberries & cream mixes very easily compared to the chocolate varieties. I have found that casein was a lot more filling and didn't make me that hungry afterwards. It's a slow absorption compared to whey. The reason to consider using it is if you're lifting or if you just want to use…
  • Pretty much this. There may be water retention and increase blood circulation giving that nice pumped firm muscular look, but you aren't breaking the laws of physics.
  • Anorexia involves body dysmorphia, not caloric restriction. With that said, MFP actually set my caloric restriction below my basal metabolic rate. Been on this for about 2 months, no real noticeable difference in energy.
  • The problem is economics. When you get into organics/farm raised cattle, it's difficult to scale with the overall demand for animal products/growables. It's the same issue with gmo vs heirloom. I think it's great we have the option though.
  • Mondays once a week. There's a lot of fluctuations during the week, keeping it consistent allows me to make minor tweaks and see the long term results.
  • The body wont build or tear down muscle unless it's absolutely necessary because it's metabolically expensive. What will happen, you'll lose 'pump'. If you continue to eat the same amount of calories, you'll eventually get fat. If you eat less than you need, you run the risk of cannibalizing the muscle in the long term.
  • Monday mornings within an hour of waking up. I don't deviate or have cheat days really, so Mondays are like any day of the week.
  • If you track it, you can eat it. My log is littered with pizza/fast food. I just budget these meals in my day, if I eat half a pizza, my other meals are going to be shakes or something small. I still lose weight fine as long as adhere to my caloric restriction.
  • I experimented a bit when I started to make it a goal to lose weight. Eating breakfast really just made me hungrier throughout the day as someone who rarely ate breakfast before. Skipping breakfast and focusing on the other two meals worked a lot better. As far as not eating a larger dinner, honestly it hasn't mattered for…
  • My suggestion, preplan your meals in the morning when you wake up. Takes a lot of the time/stress out of the equation. Usually takes me a whopping 5 minutes. If you're finding yourself tired/exhausted throughout the day, make the breakfast/lunch meals a little more carb heavy. If carbo loading in the morning still isn't…
  • I use Casein protein instead of whey, it doesn't spike my blood sugar(don't get hungry right after) and it's pretty filling. Specific brand, optimum nutrition and I've been using blueberry & cream. Also, it's only 120 calories for 24g of protein. My experience: They say it's not as 'fast acting', but honestly taking it at…