Teach4Hisglory Member


  • Without C25K, I don't think I would have built up any endurance in jogging at all. I started out way, way overweight. I still have a way to go, but I finished the program and am now on week 3 of B210K. I need the structure. I would give up 5 minutes into running otherwise. But I've learned that I can run for 15-30 minutes…
  • I read this one first thing this morning. What a good reminder! Thanks for reposting. :o)
  • Congratulations! I'm glad you had a wonderful first experience. :o)
  • I was struggling with migraines after bike rides for the longest time. I thought it was the exercise itself causing the problem, but a trip to a good chiropractor fixed my problem. The way I was riding was causing the migraines. After having an adjustment and making a few changes to my seat position I've been riding…
  • Aimee, I don't really have much in the way of suggestions (as I, too, am a very big Plain Jane). I don't know about you, but I love keeping things simple, and am quite satisfied with my protein bar and apple for lunch. It's satisfying and takes just the right amount of time to eat. (As an elementary teacher, this is very…
  • There are dozens and dozens of exercises that require little or no equipment. (Think old school: sit ups, push ups, plank, jumping jacks, etc.) I know it's equipment... but if you have an iPod, you have an endless array of free apps available to get you going. They have great timers to do intervals (hiit, tabata,…
  • I'd have to agree with others... just don't buy it in the first place. I have a difficult time throwing away things that would greatly benefit others. I also struggle with sharing "bad food" with others. :o) If it's not good enough for me to eat, why would I want to give it to someone I love?
  • I've been doing C25K, and just completed the program this afternoon. I finished the 3.2 miles in 42 minutes, but that includes the warm up and cool down. The way I see it, I'm thankful to be able to keep jogging (I'm slower than Moses) for 30 minutes nonstop. I couldn't do that before the C25K program this summer. (In the…
  • I'm right with you! I'm hoping that soon I'll figure that one out so I can share. :o) In the meantime, enjoy the work. LOL
  • It is a great find! I'm not much of an ice cream person, but it really curbed a craving one night. A real ice cream fanatic would probably fall in love. :o)
  • I must agree... We in Florida know what's coming when a hurricane is predicted, so we stock up on what we anticipate needing for a few days. (It's a good idea anytime... You never know what might happen.) I also pack my lunch (and often dinner), so I keep lots of nonperishable options (that fit my diet plan) on hand. If…
  • Enjoy that 20 minute run on Saturday. That seemed like such a huge goal to me, but I was surprised that I made it. Now I'm in the 25 minute runs, and I am learning that I CAN do it. If you have a "chatty" buddy, take her along on Saturday. I don't think I could get through the longer runs without conversation! :o)
  • Great work! I've been doing the program too, and I'm loving it. Tomorrow I'll be doing D2W7. I'm now out of the walk/run intervals, but so far I've survived. :o) I'm a slow runner (I'd actually call myself a jogger...), but I'm getting through. I assume that as I continue to lose weight I will be able to pick up the pace…
  • As a teacher, I pack at least my lunch everyday. Some days my lunchbox contains breakfast, lunch, and dinner. :o) If you use an ice pack (and have a good lunchbox), you can take almost anything along and keep it at a safe temperature. Protein powder in a blender bottle (just add water), protein bars, nuts, fruits (in the…
  • I've been reading about Tabata, and just downloaded a good timer app. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to calculate the calories burned during a workout (or a good method of calculating calories burned). I was surprised that there wasn't any type of HIIT listed in the database.
  • This is a good question... I've tried this the past few weeks (to change things up) and it has totally backfired. Even though I'm still under my calorie goal on my cheat day, I have managed to gain this weekend. SO FRUSTRATING!!! So... I guess it doesn't work for me. :o) Back to the drawing board...