shabydonner Member


  • I'm going through the same problem with dinner tonight. We got take out from a local place. I tried to stay good but when you have no clue what is in it, it becomes hard. I just figure, its one night out of the week so who cares if it isn't exact. I find something close to what I had and go with it.
  • October 21st
  • I typically go for the fajitas now a days. I don't know what picky means for you but for me I am always weird about veggies but sauteed green peppers and onions are one of my favorites. If your will power will let you stay away from the chips and tortillas and go for the chicken, then you mostly have a plate of lean meat…
  • While technically that is true I did hear my local weather man say that meteorological speaking September 1st is the start of fall. I am so ready for fall, it is hands down my favorite time of year and I can't wait for those cool crisp days. I don't even think of going outside in this kind of heat and am really looking…
  • I have a tendency to be a sucker for some of this stuff (much of the reason I'm in the shape I'm in now) but the idea of putting mac and cheese on stuff just makes no sense to me. CC's does a Mac and Cheese Pizza that just weirds me out. I think its the idea of pasta on bread of any sort. What makes me mad though is that…
  • I am an every day weigher too (as is my friend) and we have talked about this before. It is bad if you fret and stress about every little gain but we don't and to the contrary we get excited ever time we drop even just a little. Its motivation for us. I have made it my routine that I don't eat anything till I weigh in the…
  • I just recently figured this out for myself. I you have already made one then you know where to go to do that. Go there and they have the different code to let you post it places. I forget what the code is called but I thinks its the one on the left that you can post here. Copy that and then where it says signature, click…
  • Awe, I hear ya, online support is great but sometimes you need a little face time with someone. Unfortunately I'm just south of Indianapolis. I have a good friend that is on here but lives all the way in San Antonio, I wish we could get together to walk and eat out without the stress of trying to be good while everyone…
  • I'm somewhat new too, been on about a month now and I am jazzed about it. I love the community and being able to create recipes so that I'm not just guessing on the things I decide to make myself.
  • I've never done it with BBQ pork but I love a simple side of grilled pineapple rings with pork. I typically grill it on a grill pan but you can just give it a good sear in a skillet, its amazing the flavor they have cooked.
  • Me too, I do have a few pieces that I'm gonna miss though. That said, I have at least 3 or 4 shirts that are a little tight on me now and I look forward to being able to fit in them better, either again, or for the first time. I have never lost enough weight on a diet to need new clothes but this time its going to happen.…
  • Its weird, cereal is always a go to for me when I'm on a diet but when I'm not I hardly eat it. I love it just as much but I just don't think of it. When I started this site about a month ago I think the one food I was most excited to go buy was my Kashi, what's best is they have added new flavors to the go lean crunch…
  • :laugh: too funny, I would agree though. I like sharing success, goals, recipes, and all that as much as the next guy but the pointless ones are always an amusing break. I mean our entire lives don't have to be food and exercise right?!
  • I'm exactly the same way. I have never changed the setting (didn't even know you could until recently) but I figure that the only way I am going to drop the kind of weight I need to (well over 100 pounds) is to stick with this for a long long time. I can't keep doing something with the mindset of only doing it till I lose…
  • Lol, I had never heard of that, too freakin funny.
  • Ah shoot, I was gonna say that one. How about different colored ketchup, the green just made it look like it had gone bad or something.
  • Is that 1/14 c of sugar right. If so, What does that come out to. I guess I could not be lazy and do the math but I figured if you just made it you would have it on the top of your head lol. Sounds good, Planning to make some zucchini bread tomorrow so I may try this one.
  • I've never had the eating disorder issue but drinking water has always been hard for me. I used to hate it when I was younger, but now I can actually appreciate a nice cool, not too cold, glass with a little lemon in it. I have always struggled to get my water in with past attempts to lose weight but this time it has been…
  • Very interesting read. I have learned that treats along the way are a must for me to stick with it. This is probably my third major diet attempt and I can already tell a difference. The first time I was just too young to stick it out, my will power was low and I, being a kid (and sadly an adult) that hates most veggies…
  • Oh too funny, My English teacher in college made us watch Super Size Me one night, at this moment I can't remember what the point was. I just sat there the whole time, as the fattest girl in the room, on one hand embarrassed, and on the other hand hungry :) But seriously, I wanted to say, oh come on, I'm the biggest person…
  • Oh man, there are so many. I have learned the hard way that by cutting things I love out all together is a sure fire way to diet failure. In the past if it didn't fit the diet plan I was on or just didn't fit the mind set of what I thought of as healthy I tried to avoid it at all cost, by the time I went of the diet I was…
  • There is a little bit of encouragement there but yeah, I think it is mostly a lot of hot air. I laugh when I see what it has to say most of the time and yet I'm always eager to see what it's going to say at the same time, go figure. The funniest is when I have had a not so great day and it still tells me I would have lost…
  • I really like the Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal. It is my morning routine, a bowl of 3/4 cup of that and 1/4 cup of something sweet and fun just to change it up a little. I am adding the Cinnamon burst cheerios at this time which aren't that bad health wise themselves but oh so good ;) The best part about the Kashi is it has…
  • I'm not a homeschooling mom but I was a homeschooled kid :) I graduated back in 2003 but its also fun to run into someone else that actually gets what makes it great. Most of my close friends were met through homeschooling and so growing up I never faced a lot of questions about it but after moving to Indy a few years back…
  • I assume you mean besides water :) I know for me, I used to be a big soda drinker, for a long time the regular stuff and then for that last 5 to 7 years diet (wow, can't believe its been that long) but since I joined here and made a real commit to drinking my 8 glasses of water a day I have found I just don't have…
  • Love It! Can't wait for that day that I can tell my first 50 to hit the bricks :)
  • I love this one but warning it isn't a healthy one by any means. I keep meaning to try to make it with some tweaks to see if I can make it more acceptable without undoing the yummy factor, if you decided to give it a try let me know how it turns out.
  • I'm in the same boat. I have a digital that I bought a couple of years ago because our old fashion one didn't go up high enough :( but now I'm losing faith in this one as it seems to weigh completely different depending on where you stand on it. I think the weight mechanism is at the top so the closer I stand to the top…
  • I recently found her blog thanks to someones comment on this site and can't wait to try somethings. Her mac and cheese being one of the first and also the Red Velvet cupcakes which literally had me drooling as I read about them. I must say one of the fun things about making the healthy lifestyle change this time around has…