dobarber Member


  • Thursday Truth: I haven't been good at all the past few months. This started oddly enough after I tried to run my first 5k. I guess it comes from getting injured during this race and not being able to run because of a foot injury then having problems with heal callouses. Since this started my weight has been at a stand…
  • Weighed myself on Saturday after my long week of hectic running around and acting like a taxi for my kids sports activities and found that I'm officially back down to 282.5 which is down from my high weight of 289 after starting the eat more program. My wrists and waist size has never gone up but the scale has finally…
  • Happy B-DAY TOOTS! I gave into the chocolate demon but was able to limit my intake to about 5 or 6 fun size bars. I was way under on cals when I did it so it worked out pretty well. Can't wait til after this weekend so I can actually have time to do something for myself instead of being the football taxi. My son has…
  • Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been around at all lately. I think I'm just getting in the excuse trap. "I'm tired tonight so I'll run tomorrow" or "One oreo won't hurt". Granted I haven't gained anything but I'm not losing anything either. Right now I have no excuse NOT to workout. Its been a few weeks since my race and I…
  • When in the middle of a run I feel water drops on my hands and think for a second that its raining only to realize the water is the sweat coming from my wrists. When after an arms workout your arms won't straighten unless you sit down and pry them straight with your own legs.
  • TGIF! It's been a hard week with getting a cold after my race and trying to recover from a foot injury from the race last Saturday SO my fitness goal this weekend is to make a feeble attempt at lifting and drinking as much water as I can. Right now I'm just trying to heal in preparation to start running and begin doing…
  • NSV ALERT!! This morning I was rushing to get out of the house and grabbed a pair of pants that my wife had bought last week for me. I just went to the bathroom and got curious about the size because these actually fit better than my previous 46-30 pants. They are 44-30's! Weird part is. 46-30s fit perfectly at the…
  • Sorry I haven't checked in in a while. Its really been a busy week. On Saturday the 5K was awesome!. I loved running in it. My foot did act up which slowed me down to a crawl and I walked probably a quarter of it BUT I finished it! The 3 miles really went so quick that I didn't realize I was done until I saw the marker for…
  • Friday fitness: Going to think of the Samuel Coleridge Taylor quote from the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner as I drink water all day today to prep for the race tomorrow(water water everywhere but not a drop to drink). Just kidding. In a weird mood today. I'm sitting here at work after running 3 miles last night and working…
  • OK is it sadistic of me to be thinking about increasing my running distance over the next few months to a 10k distance even before doing my first 5k? I've been running for less than a year and when I started, 1 minute as a daunting task. Now I'm running 3+ miles at a stretch and considering doing twice that much now. Whoda…
  • OK I'm getting nervous. Today is the 26th and my 5k run is on Saturday. The top of my foot started hurting during one of my running workouts on Saturday. Haven't run much since then. It's feeling a little better but I still have tringes every once in a while. I hope its ok for race day.
  • Sure it's plausible. It will take dedication. Even if you don't make it all the way to finish at least you have a mileage goal to beat in the next marathon you run in.
  • Hello everyone! Looks like most everyone is doing extremely awesome with their journey! Sorry I haven't been on here in what seems like an eternity. For some reason life is really taking up ALL of my time and I only get a day or two to get on here to log food and maybe scan through some of your posts. Just a brief intro of…
  • Thursday Truth: I'm a little confused with my scale. I weighed yesterday morning a few hours after I ran and was 281.5. I weighed this morning and was 282. Not sure what my real weight is at this point. I have heard that your body will start to retain fluid after a workout which is why I'm trying to keep my water intake…
  • I guess I'm at the right place. I want my boobs to shrink too... Of course they're man boobs.
  • Today is my weekly weigh in day and I wanted to let you all know whats going on with it. I've been trying to keep a ratio of Carbs\Protein\Fats to 40\30\30 and stay under a "cut" value of 2700 calories a day which is under my Total daily exercise expenditure(tdee) of 3300 and above my BMR(minmum number of calories to keep…
  • SEPTEMBER GOALS: 1. BACK TO THE FUTURE: I'm going to commit to keeping my carb\fat\protein ratios in the 40-30-30 range 2. PIGS FLY, WHY CAN"T I? I'm going to start lifting tonight. I've had workout equipment at home that I haven't used since christmas of last year and I have a workout bench in the basement that needs…
  • Actually i just found the plan on MFP. If you want more info just search for "Eat More" and it'll take you to the group. It has all the info you need.
  • I hope no one thinks I'm trying to shove this weight loss program down their throats because I'm not. I just want to keep everyone informed of my progress if they have considered doing this program. I know this journey is hard and sometimes information and guessing what to do is all we have. I'll keep everyone posted on my…
  • Friday fitness: I plan on running the weight loss program on my treadmill again tonight and probably the interval program level 2 tomorrow night. As you guys probably know I've upped my calories following the eat more to weigh less program. I'll have to say it is scary to follow because if you've been cutting back your…
  • Wednesday wish: I wish that after taking a week off of running you could start right back up where you left off and not feel like you've regressed. I ran\walked a little over 3 miles and ran out of breath part way through it. I checked my pace and the first mile pace was 15 minutes and the 2nd was 17 minutes. I walked half…
  • I personally didn't finish the program but I was repeating weeks until I was going through them without feeling like I was going to die. I actually quit at week 5 day 3 and started running outside. I'm now running about an hour straight with not much trouble. You basically need to listen to your body. If you start a part…
  • Monday Check in: I've officially finished my first week of the eat more to weigh less program. I was eating 1500-1800 calories per day with running 50-60 minutes 3-4 days a week. I am now eating at above BMR(basal metaboilc rate) but below TDEE at 2458 calories per day. I have gained 5 pounds so far but was eating at 2700…
  • I'm going to try my hand at running on the treadmill for the first time in a long time tonight. I won't be able to run this weekend since we have a lot of things going on. Wish me luck. Thanks Doug
  • *kitten* the movie (for obvious reasons OUCH!) oh and Toy Story 3.
  • I ran again last night and almost didn't make the entire 3 mile loop. Not sure why but my energy was a little down. I made it the entire loop though but I'm taking tonight off to go to a Bengals game with my son. Should be fun! The tickets were free through his league so thats even more of a bonus. Anyway I weighed this…
  • @Toots: Been there still going through it. Not sure if its an end of summer thing or kids going back to school thing but we'll get through it. I'm just as irritated as you are with myself. Just don't give up.
  • General question. I've been running 5k distances for about 2 weeks now. It usually takes me a little less then 50 minutes. I know that's slow and that I'm not a fast runner by any means but I'm just worried that I might not be pushing myself hard enough. I think I also might be getting a little anxious about my first…
  • Here's the results of day on of my personal 2 week personal challenge. Drank all of my water Stayed under my goal Ran 5k No energy drinks and none so far today either The only thing I didn't keep to was the sodium. I swear I keep a salt lick at my desk or an iv with salt water attached to a vein. It's irritating that…
  • Monday checkin\Tuesday Goal: I had a horrible eating weekend this past weekend and even had a beer(something I never have) on Sunday during a festival. I weighed in on Monday at 290. I weighed in again this morning at 286.5 but I'm getting frustrated with myself. Seems like I don't care much about myself. The things that…