drakeshattuck Member


  • Prove it! This is the same old pseudoscience I've been hearing for 30 years. You look good so keep doing what you're doing. I'm not saying you're wrong and results speak volumes but I'll keep eating my Salmon post workout. I'm no expert (thanks for starting that thread BTW), but I don't buy into the "guzzle down a shake…
  • 36,922 posts.... Were they all ego posts with your titles and zero progress? Guess you're not looking for any gains, aka muscle mass? You're like the guy in the office that has all of his diplomas, certifications and of course the class completion certificates framed and posted on the wall for all to see. Perhaps you have…
  • The issue really isn't about facts or knowledge. Exercise philosophies and advice resembles religion much more in my opinion. It's like a Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Scientology nut and a Catholic nun trying to come to an agreement, each of course stating they have the truth; meaning facts, when in fact they are all the…
  • I love eggs, I eat eggs, but I find it really annoying when they print "Gluten Free" on the carton. You don't say, eggs are gluten free? How stupid do they think their consumers are? Maybe the lack of gluten in your diet makes you retarded? I don't buy any type of so called energy drinks. Being jacked up is not energy.…
  • Humm, green jello.... Mormons are so kinky
  • I love the food lists. It pretty much reads Whole foods are anti inflammatory and processed food is pro inflammatory. I don't see how you could lose sticking to whole foods of all types. Start cooking your own meals using whole foods. I laugh every time I go to "Whole Foods" store because so little of what they sell is…
  • I notice that you say that you are addicted to food. Most of America is in the same boat. That addiction can only be broken if you prepare your own food. Please watch the movie "Fed Up", its on netflix, it explains the problem quite well. Good luck you you, and like others here have said, you can do it. If you can break…
  • Very encouraging and empowering. Thanks for Posting your success. It's great to see real people with real results that have stuck with it.
  • Great advice, and, ha ha, once his family gets brown rice and veggies it would probably give them the incentive to leave him alone.
  • I'm with you. A bratt, although delicious, is far from healthy especially if it comes from the huge food factories. My son turned Vegan at age 15 and I accepted it and even learned to cooks some darn good vegan recipes. All we ever heard from family and friends was how "unhealthy" it was for him; this coming from smokers,…
  • Ha ha, I understand those weekends. I just joined MFP last week and I had to record the 4 pints of beer I drank. 880 calories made the taco cart tacos at 150 cal each, I had two, look mild. I think that you have a good attitude. Get back on the horse Monday.
  • Crystalpauls's advice on protein is what I have heard. I might suggest however if you are consuming that much protein that you get it from a variety of sources; not all beef and protein shakes. Take Cod for example, nearly pure protein with very little fat. Salmon has beneficial fat. It cost a bit more but you have to eat…
  • Go to Hulu and watch the documentary "Chow Down". I think that you all should stop beating yourselves up over your weight. You are just participating in the normal way of American eating. Some will get fat, others disease. It is just in the way the diet expresses its self with you. No doubt we have to change the diet if we…
  • Hi, I've been at this game most of my life. I know that when I am working on the goal I watch time very closely and when I'm not paying attention all of a sudden 6 months have passed. It's a long term thing and your body will never respond in a linear fashion. Stay with it and you'll make progress again. You might try…