thiswillhappen Member


  • Yay! 1/4 way! I am successfully on day 8 of Dry January without any slipups. I've had about 2 serious cravings (once when I saw Bailey's Almande in my fridge, and once when I noticed a chilled bottle of rose in the fridge), but otherwise it's actually been remarkably easy. Planning on extending this into February if all…
  • In the morning I like an instant oatmeal packet with a banana and a tablespoon of organic peanut butter. For lunch I'll have salad with egg or hummus or tofu. For dinner I'll have a soup and a salad, or some veggie "meatballs" with a bit of pasta, or some sort of veggie tofu stir fry. Tofu is pretty low calorie considering…
  • JFT Jan. 8/18 1) Go to hot yoga 2) Avoid overeating snacks late at night 3) Donate clothes 4) Walk dog 5) Drink 2 giant mugs of green tea 6) Abstain from alcohol & dairy
  • I only have 25 I want to lose but I am also sweating for my wedding! Feel free to add me! Getting married August 2018 and want to have the weight gone by then.
  • I also survived day 6! I'm having a good weekend, hermiting at home with my dog and fiancé and making healthy hearty soups in this frigid Canadian winter. Last night I went to a Killers concert with a friend and I had a Vitamin Water instead of beers, and my friend didn't comment and neither did I! It was really fun,…
  • I'm in and added my Jan 1 start weight to the spreadsheet
  • I know how you feel. I have a lot of friends who like to gather and celebrate over wine or cocktails too. My tip for surviving during this dry time is to make the other person feel like you are celebrating too, even if it's just a mocktail you're having, and not making them feel like it's bad that they are drinking, and…
  • I am now on my 4th dry January day, very happy to report that it has not felt difficult at all! I think my body really wanted a rest from booze after holidays + the all inclusive vacation. Not missing it at all.
  • Weighed in this morning at 174.8, would like to reach 155 by June! Cutting out dairy and alcohol this month to see how my body reacts (I know both of these things are bad for my body in particular, as I am allergic to both but also love both).
  • Happy to report that I've been dry for all of January 2018 so far! :)
  • I'm in! Have been dry all of 2018 so far, why not extend it a bit longer? ;)
  • Starting weight - 190 January starting weight -171 January goal - 166 Ultimate goal - 150 Jan 1st - didn't log but most recent weight is 171 Jan 7th - Jan 14th - Jan 21st - Jan 28th - Total loss for January - I'm eliminating both alcohol and dairy for the entire month of January so I expect to see a little bit of loss.
  • Highest weight: 190 Round 25 End Weight: 173.6 Goal weight for this challenge: 169 UGW: 150 *I am going to be away for the second half of this challenge but I wanted to participate anyway to the extent possible.* Day/Weight/Comment 12/19 172.5 - Honestly yesterday was a pretty good day for me! I went to yoga at lunch, I…
  • Highest weight: 190 Round 25 End Weight: 173.6 Goal weight for this challenge: 169 UGW: 150 *I am going to be away for the second half of this challenge but I wanted to participate anyway to the extent possible.* Day/Weight/Comment 12/19 172.5 - Honestly yesterday was a pretty good day for me! I went to yoga at lunch, I…
  • Highest weight: 190 Round 25 End Weight: 173.6 Goal weight for this challenge: 169 UGW: 150 Day/Weight/Comment 12/19 172.5 - Honestly yesterday was a pretty good day for me! I went to yoga at lunch, I ate a reasonable dinner and didn't snack at night. I did eat a red velvet cupcake at lunch from work, couldn't help myself,…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • I had one glass of wine last night with spritzer, copying @MaryBethHempel ! I have had 1 spritzer a night for the last 2 nights with dinner, it's been very nice and civilized and I don't get headaches and it cuts the calories in half. I'm very happy with this new idea! My drinking has definitely gone down this week. The…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • Late to this challenge but following the thread with interest - also have been reducing alcohol intake overall since September 2017 but December has proven difficult at times for me with all the work-related holiday parties for networking reasons I feel obliged to go to (and drink at). It's a challenge for sure! My goal is…
  • I stay motivated with: * my fitbit to track my steps and calorie output for the day * non-food related rewards (spa days, nails, bubble baths, books) * walking my dog no matter how crappy I feel that day * weighing in weekly * reading MFP threads of people's journeys, losses, victories and challenges! So motivating and so…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • Don't be discouraged!! You've come so far and these fluctuations are totally normal and part of the process! I've got your back! :)
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • ya gurrrrl get it
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 12/10 171 yay! I can’t believe after a day of 2 parties I have lost weight haha! Whether it’s real weight or water weight, keeps me motivated to make healthy choices today. First stop brunch! Will try to order…
  • Historical starting weight: 193 pounds Recent SW: 175lbs Current Weight: 172.9 lbs UGW: 150 GW: 160 12/09 - 172.5 - I've lost 0.4 pounds since my last weigh-in! Hard to feel excited about something so small. I've been fluctuating between 170 and 173 for weeks now. At these small fluctuations it starts to feel very…
  • Starting weight - 175 Current weight - 172.9 December goal - 165 Ultimate goal - 150 Dec 8 - 172.9