lizbeth787 Member


  • I'm interested! My doctor suspects I am gluten/lactose intolerant so I'm eliminating gluten as a test. So far, I feel wonderful. I was tired, achey, bloated, with horrible migraines all day. I've elminated it for 2 days - a world of difference. Go figure!!! I have so far found brown rice bread, which was actually pretty…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Great idea! Sometimes the huge number can seem kind of daunting. Good luck!
  • I haven't heard anything about her, but it seems to be "naturally thin" - one needs to work very hard. I know I do! Clean eating, working my butt off at the gym. It's basically accepting the fact you have a different lifestyle than the majority of America. Once i (slowly) got that into my head, I guess it did become pretty…
  • I used to weigh in like everrryyy day - but I'm not trying to lose and I tend to eat the same kind of things on a weekly basis. So I figure I will most likelly be the same unless I have a night out or something. So then I just cut back or work out harder the next couple of days. It all balances out in the end! I'm glad I…
  • I had the same problem - I limited myself to nights that you're describing. And what I think you're describing is drinking heavily followed by lots of late night eating? After a while I didn't (and don't) want to do it anymore. It makes me feel like crap! It takes me daaays to get back to feeling better. Limit yourself or…
  • Keep with the cardio and strength - the love handles and muffin top are the hardest to lose. It honestly took me 3 years to get a flat belly and I still have a little to lose on those handles.
  • Welcome back! I'm so sorry for your current situation - I'm sure it's not the easiest thing to go through. Kudos to you on being a full time working mom, not to mention going to school full time! You're an inspiration! There is no doubt in my mind you can reach your goal. Take some time to create a plan and then stick to…
  • I am 5'8" and 130-135 (depending on how I eat that week - haha!). I think it is the perfect fit for my body and frame (which is on the smallish side)
  • I find my runs vary... some days I have AWESOME runs... other days, it totally blows and I would rather endure some form (chinese water drip perhaps?). I think it has a lot to do with how I have recently fueled my body - I also think the weather outside plays a huge part. If you have seasonal allergies, sometimes whatever…
  • peanut butter baked cheetos rold gold tiny twists other than the above, i eat fairly clean... but i can't give those up!!!!!
  • I tend to just naturally zig zag my calories... if I eat a lot one day, the next I'm not so hungry... etc. I am not currently trying to lose weight, I've been maintaining for a couple years and it seems to work well. My metabolism is always guessing!
  • This thread is music to my ears... I love peanut butter. I am not one to deprive myself, and I won't lie - sometimes I think about 1/4 of my daily calories comes from peanut butter :tongue: I love me some peanut butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm 5'8 and 130-132 pounds... honestly if I weighed any less, I would look like a skeleton!!!!
  • Don't be so afraid of eating out!!!! My family eats out a lot and I've just learned how to cutomize menu items. Yes, those salads may have 2000 calories, but not if you take out all of the crispy fried chicken, the pounds of cheese, and horrible dressings!!! Justr be smart!
    in Chili's Comment by lizbeth787 May 2009
  • but i love the parades! do you throw candy to the little children too?
  • the only thing I can think of to make this sandwich even more delicious = avocado.. yuuum!
  • I'm sorry!!! It does suck - but just remember it is temporary (although at the time I know it does seem like it will last FOREVERRRR!!!) stick in there!
  • i'm making parmesan crusted tilapia tomorrow!!! 1/4 cup fat free miracle whip 1 tbsp. i can't believe it's not butter light 1/4 cup parmesan cheese slather all over tilapia and bake in oven!
    in tilapia Comment by lizbeth787 May 2009
  • ahaha i love all the cool whip references!
  • i do this with my oatmeal sometimes in the summer - mix it with your favorite yogurt and fruit, cover it, and stick it in the fridge overnight.. in the morningyou have a wonderful tasty treat!
  • nope - just call it a "whoospies" day and get back on track today. no sense in starving your body today! good luck!
  • Sounds like fun! I would just keep track of how much you walked (maybe wear a pedometer?) and log how many miles/steps you think you went OVER your normal activities. This would most likely give you an accurate log. I NEVER worry about losing weight on fun days like that or vacations and I'll tell you why. 1. I always make…
  • I weigh myself constantly - however, I am not trying to lose any weight; just maintain. I find it very helpful! If I notice I go up a pound, I know I've had too many treats in the last week, so I adjust accordingly. I also find it funny to see how much my weight fluctuates on a daily basis... yesterday after a big dinner…
  • well, right about now I don't feel so bad about eating my highly processed sugar-laden oatmeal to go oatmeal raisin bar. haha i was huuungry, I had to do it!
  • when i made these, i baked a big old cookie sheet full of asparagus.. yummy!
  • i make mine with the garbanzo beans, roasted red peppers, lemon juice, garlic, and other spices - i don't use tahini or oil! it's delish!
  • my mom bought a total gym about 10 years ago and used to use it a lot - now it just sits in our basement! haha - i use it from time to time and it has a lot of great exercises. Nice idea for when you're just watching tv!
  • oh man, I feel you! Last spring, I had just started a new birth control, and I was not stretching properly, so I had horrible cramps throughout my calves - my doctor made me go to the ER because she thought it was a blood clot from the birth control.... turns out I spent $1500 on a scan and 3 hours in the ER to find out it…
  • mmm i love me a big bowl of cereal - preferably for dinner when i'm lazy after a long day of teaching!! I swear by the Kashi & Puffins cereals! Shredded wheat is also super healthy for you (without the frosting of course - add some of your own flavorings: cinnamon, raisins, blueberries, strawberries... the possibilities…