MrsNoir Member


  • Exactly that :D
  • When you heart is breaking join a fitness club or some kind of fitness activity lesson where you can meet other people and have fun getting fit, and getting passionate about it with all your heart. Perhaps if you forget about your affairs and concentrate on exercise, the other matters of the heart get solved once you reach…
  • Now that I think about it, my weight loss was going great when I allowed myself to one or two hot chocolates with loads of whipped cream on there and a piece of cake, or when I bought double cream at home and kept spooning for three days in a row. Now that I've given up those two since January, I'm at plateau. Tomorrow I'm…
  • Ouch, yeah, I know that one too well, drinking loads of water, hoping it would make me feel full or less hungry!:D
  • I had a look at your pics, your body looks slightly bulkier than how I like a men's body, but it's not something that would put me off of dating a guy with your body frame, As long as his intentions weren't to build up more bulkiness or become a body builder it would be great to have a nice strong guy for a partner :D
  • I guess there are women with different preferences, I am not sure what "cut" means, I'm Spanish, but I can certainly says "not bulky" for me, a body like yours seems fine, not bulky not too thin. :)
  • I have this one too, so far so good, it came with strap, at first I thought it would come with the computer application and all that, it doesn't, you have to buy something different for that, but it does the job of counting calories, you can pause it, then back to it, I wear it most days, from cooking to walking, just to…
  • I hate tuna in brine, (but I love it in sunflower oil) Then.. I used to dislike pretty much everything that lived under water but prawns and squid, and those have to be cooked for too long. And I used to hate all vegs but raw red pepper, raw carrot and raw tomato. Now, what I have found out is that it was my parents way of…
  • Why don't you say "that's great, although I don't think your diet is precisely healthy and in the long run it wil backfire on you" and see what she says.. if she says... "yes, but I'm losing the lbs quicker", then you say, ¿why don't we make a bet?. How much do you weigh now?. Let's write it down, and next year we'll weigh…
  • Sexy is nothing more than confidence and self-esteem. When people have it it just shines! ... even in pictures...I've just received the following message by a stranger on a different website. I just wanted to say that I think you have the sexiest lips I have ever seen... My lips and my nose sucked all my life, suddenly I…
  • LEGS LIKE THAT WITH THE TRACY ANDERSON'S MATT WORKOUT! :D.. I see mine a lot more defined session by session :D but still loads to work on :D
  • That's a nice one, not too muscular, I really don't like bulky guys! buena suerte!!:D
  • Do you live in England? they do it for free in Debenhams, I had it measured there, but I wasn't convinced, I swear the bra looked very tight and felt very uncomfy, I usually use 34A or 34B. To be honest, it depends on the make of the bra, so perhaps a 32B suits me great, or a 34 A, depending on some makes even 34B. My…
  • Hi hun! don't you worry I understand you too well. I can't understand people that keep complaining instead of doing something about it. I'm too radical for this world I guess, but I believe in Social Darwinism, I'm not a nazi, but hey, survival of the species, those who think they have miserable lives when they haven't…
  • lol, you're so good natured, I would have said to my hubby, we're not going anywhere else before I have my food!:D I get very very very grumpy when I don't eat!:D.
  • I do squats while I hold the baby, he's 20lbs heavy! And this is not a joke. I really hate doing squats, but doing 10 with 20lbs of weight must be more efficient than 100 with no weight at all, or well so I lie to myself to feel better for not doing many of those :D
    in Tips Comment by MrsNoir January 2012
  • Yes, keep logging everything you eat, that would also help you to give your on coming baby a balanced diet, and keep exercising! I gave up exercising when I found out I was pregnant, because I was scared, in fact, you might even lose weight during pregnancy if you keep exercising and counting calories, so I don't think you…
  • Hi!! before Christmas I was doing these workouts from Tiffany Roth on youtube, the 10 min waist one, the bikini and the sexy back, fcopy and paste link... My tummy really got better, I've just being lazying around for the last month.
  • I live in the South East of England, feel free to add me :D
  • Ohh Yazmine really made me put on weight. Right now I'm taking the minipill, as they call it over here, as it's for nursing moms, (I think it has less hormones in it) just in case I get pregnant again, however, I'm very chaotic with it, I just simply forget to take it everyday, so in the end, because it's not safe if not…
  • Eat it and burn it afterwards, that's the best way to end up with your craving!:D
  • I've been doing the Tracy Anderson Method, add me as a friend and you'll see links to all my workouts :D, it's been 6 months, and not doing too bad :D
  • My parents fed me well, but it was me who decided to buy those donoughts and sweet treats all the time, they told me often that they would make me fat, so I tried not to tell my parents what did I buy for lunch in school (besides of my parents' healthy option), but it's all those industrial sweets and biscuits that started…
  • Number 1 seems a bit too daring for a work event, although it looks great on you, but I would nevery wear that to work, you might give the impression of looking a bit tarty, I would save number 1 and 4 for dinners out with your other half, and use either number 2 or 3 for work :D
  • I have several: Caffeine, awful, I can easily have more than 6 a day, right now I'm having about 4 because I'm breastfeeding, I've managed to cut down to 2 and a half (a moccha coffee) when I was pregnant, and it felt neverending. Spooning Double Cream, I usually overcome it by not buying it, but if I buy it once, I usally…
  • Lol, loved that bit of Pantera will get you there!! love PANTERA!! and some songs of Damaged Plan too :D quote] VOLBEAT!!! Check 'em out if you don't know them already. They pretty much span every music style in the subject line of this topic. There is no better music to workout to than metal. Screw a workout partner, you…
  • Metalwise I like loads including doom metal, dark metal and gothic metal, some Thrash (Pantera, just got to love them) and loads more, but mainly singles of each band, I take the best of each band, only band I would love most of their staff though is Nine Inch Nails. Love other dark music like Electro Body Music and…
  • Nops, you're right, I'm like you very near to my goal weight, and like you've said, now I'm starting to look slim in pictures, and say.. "wow, is that me on the pic?!! I know, I'm looking way slimmer than in the last decade, but like you I also want to see how much do I have to lose to still look fit and healthy, because I…
  • I leave the dust to settle for aa couple of days, then I invite a friend to visit me witin less than two hours, then I put the Heart rate monitor, energetic music and off I start to running and tidying around the house, any single thing that needs to go upstairs I do run up the stairs and leave it ther, one by one, mind,…