jennytree Member


  • Thanks @heybales! I had lost inches last week, so I'll see how I fair tomorrow when I complete week 6. Had a much better week this week, but a feeling I've not been eating as much as I should be. Around #1,700 instead of more. One scoop of peanut butter a day should help that along :)
  • Cutting at 1800 a day, there or thereabouts. I'm on week 6 now. I have good days and bad days. Not food-wise, but mood/thought wise. I go through phases where I think I'm doing terribly and I'm giganto and overweight, because I haven't dropped a dress-size in a day. I've lost 50lbs already or so eating 1,300 a day so it's…
  • Great update! Hopefully the "rest" will do you the world of good :)
  • I did a small bit of analysis over my last few weeks (maybe I've too much time on my hands?!) My % deficit is a little too high for my liking. I should be aiming for 15%, not 25%. So, gonna just raise the daily cals limit a little. I had been mostly going by FitBit, but seem to have 100 or so cals left at the end of the…
  • :# thanks all! It's so strange how the body works. Really feel much better this week, so I couldn't believe the scales but happy to see some sort of results! And yes, I had a great night and I'm being a little bold today with food but not too bad o:)
  • Week 5: 31st - 5th Nov Average calories consumed: 1,681 Average calories burned: 2,220 Weight: 183lbs So I did my weigh in this morning as I'm going out tonight and I'll be having some drinks. Weight was 183lbs. I was fit to f**king kill someone. I felt great all week, felt much leaner and then this *kitten* happens.…
  • Week 4: 24th - 30th Oct Average calories consumed: 1,751 Average calories burned: 2,354 Weight: (no change) 182lbs Grrrr... weight is still not budging... don't panic, don't panic... Had lost a lb but put it back on on weigh-in day.
  • I'm jenizzletree :)
  • Week 3: 17th - 23rd Oct Average calories consumed: 1,894 Average calories burned: 2,213 Weight: 182lbs Did much better foodwise last week - weight stayed the same at 182 but I felt quite 'lean'. Also, my hips have gotten slightly bigger. Like my booty needs to get bigger :D I'm on holidays from work this week, and I feel a…
  • Unless I'm reading it completely wrong, you seem to do about an hours workout for 5-6 days a week? Ignore the leap in weight - as @retirehappy says, this is not fat. When you start increasing cals, your weight will go up but then will flatline again when you start eating at TDEE. You're on the right track, just keep eating…
  • Week 2 of cut: 10th - 16th Oct As above, I went feckin mental eating on the 10th and 11th, weight went up to 185 by Monday morning but back to 182 by Friday, 16th :| Kept the cals lower for the rest of the week - not really on purpose, but I wasn't at home to eat. Average calories consumed: 1,773 Average calories burned:…
  • Sent you a FR there, along with a few to others too! Need to be around people who aren't starving themselves :smiley:
  • @KickboxDiva - fab info! Great to see the mindset changes, and I've found they've been much more beneficial than any fat loss that have happened for me over the last few months. Must check out the book :)
  • So, week 1 of cut: 3rd - 10th Oct Average calories consumed: 1,735 Average calories burned: 2,700 Loss = 1.9 lbs Delighted with myself on Saturday morning. Didn't eat enough last week, so hadn't intended in losing so much in week one. My daily average intake needs to be higher. And then, the weekend happened and I didn't…
  • I would suggest eating more calorie-dense food. Peanut (or other nut) butter is great as there's lots of fats, easy to eat and not as filling as the calorie-equivalent in veggies. A pint of full-fat milk is another great one for bringing cals up.
  • What I've done is set my FitBit food plan to "lose 1 lb per week" so this gives me different cals to eat every day. It's my daily calorie burn -500. E.g. yesterday I burned 2,579 and fitbit told me to eat 2,106. I've set MFP to 1,800 but that would be the bare minimum I'd eat. I'm guessing this is a better way of doing…
  • Starting a cut today :smile: My weight has stayed the same throughout September. Going from 2,200 to 1,800 a day (a nice round number :relaxed: ) so I'll see how I get on this week. I have most my food already cooked and my workouts are planned and booked in. Hopefully this is the right thing to do. It's been a few months…
  • One thing I've really noticed over the last 2-3 months is that my hair and nails have never been longer or stronger! I never had strong enough hair to keep it longer than chin length, and my nails don't split or break easily anymore :sunglasses: Anywho, t'was TOM so weight was up 3lbs but: Sept 24th - 30th Average cals in…
  • I wanted to do a cut in the next month or two, but I feel like I'm just not ready yet, not has my body fully healed yet and I've been thinking of pushing this cut back to the start of next year. So, I think we both might be on the same page!
  • I often feel like I never stop eating! Not so much around MFP people, but in real life. I feel like the guys that sit next to me wonder what's going on! I'm a bit of a grazer, so I eat little and often :blush: You seem to be on the right path, and it's really encouraging for me as I'm coming from the 1,200 side of things…
  • I've stayed at a constant 183.7lbs (to be precise :lol: ) over the last 2 weeks. I have a whole week of Fitbit now and increased my intake since Monday. Sept 17th - 23rd Average cals in = 2,149 Average cals out = 2,283
  • Quick update on 6 days on FitBit :smile: So far, my average TDEE is 2226 a day. So, not far off what other charts and sites suggested for me. My net average food intake was 1,671 for the week. I've also changed my main meal of the day to lunchtime. Realised I got into a really bad habit of eating about 2/3rd of my food…
  • I got a FitBit Charge HR today :grin: I don't have it synced with MFP. The evening will be spent trying to figure what I should be logging where :relaxed:
  • :lol: no, we certainly are not :smile:
  • I hear ye @retirehappy, my body needs to trust me :smiley: I'm the same measurements too though (afaik, although I didn't take them right when I started increasing cals) :neutral: Do you find your fitbit helpful? I was thinking of getting one, but I'm not sure if it would help or hinder my progress as it would be another…
  • I'm following your thread too @kmac1196, it's good to have someone in the same boat as me! You're a few weeks further than me, by the looks of it. I hope your cut goes well :smile:
  • Just to update on progress. I started in a new gym two weeks ago, and I really really wanted to start a cut so that I could be at my goal weight by Christmas. The new place is great: weight training followed by strength circuits etc. So, I cut to 1,700 a day for the last 2 weeks and my weight hasn't moved at all. I'm not…
  • Excellent, thank you for the responses! I'm doing Stronglifts at the moment but I'm not making much progress and I think I could benefit from some assistance work. Happy to go along with Strong Curves so :# :)
  • So, I had tonsillitis last week :| couldn't eat or drink anything for a few days without being in awful pain, but I'm back on track now eating at TDEE. I've been planning on staying at TDEE till the end of August, then I'm going to start a cut along with implementing a new training programme with 3 days strength and 2 days…
  • I've been at 2000 (well, in reality 2200 moreso) cals a day now and this time I've been feeling fine! I think my body is now adjusting to eating more, and doesn't complain as much. I had a bad day yesterday food-wise. My initial instinct this morning was to eat much less to get over the binge, but I am going training later…