lorebb1 Member


  • Following ! I’m about to start my fat % loss / getting fit routine. My starting numbers are 5’7 , 146, 34% fat ( yikes ) My goal for this year is to be in the 20’S % fat and show some definition. So I think i need to start My macros with : 260g carbs - 120g protein - 55g fat Give and take . Moderate excercise with Weights,…
  • Thanks for the links and the info! And you are right, grams seems a bit more flexible : ) My goal is to lower my fat% and I also want to be more firm / fit ... at least that’s the “inmidiate goal” for 2019. I went for macros because it seems easier for me to keep track , if there are other suggestions, please let me know :…
  • Weights and cardio and healthy eating works! 80/20 rule ! Loosing weight and being healthy is a lifestyle change , it is so rewarding. I lost 27 pounds in 5 weeks - and felt healthier by eating non processed foods , meals 3-5 times a day. I did lots of cardio, weights, low sodium, and drank lots of water ! You will be…