springlering62 Member


  • Exactly what @claireychn074 says. I couldn’t have said it better. I can’t even count how many times I’ve had wild overages. As long as I got back to plan, the weight continued to drop. My diary is open. If you looo back to early April, you’d think I was crazy and gained a gazillion pounds. Nope, I enjoyed myself on a nice…
  • No context, since we don’t know your basic info, particularly how much you have to lose. In general…. Going slower gives you time to learn new habits and learn things about your body. Those who lose slower also tend to maintain the loss for much longer periods. All you have to do is read the boards regularly to see that…
  • Sometimes it’s as simple as a bad internet connection. My entire gym is a non-connection area. All I get is “SOS” connection, if that. That’s probably thanks to the “if I can’t un-see that, neither can you” chick who was sending photos from a dressing room in a large gym, making fun of other, overweight gym members. May…
  • I don’t think this poster is here any longer, but good grief. Invest some time in learning the app and entering the data. It’s not gonna kills ya- although the extra weight probably will. Pick your poison. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So far, to my knowledge, there’s not a bar code app that reads humans so far to do it all for you. Don’t blame…
  • Welcome to MFP, both of yall. My husband joined me on MFP a couple of years ago, at 65. He has significantly reduced his blood glucose level, to the point his doctor said last year he can come off the meds. He’s been on them for two decades or so, and chose not to, primarily because we travel quite a bit and when we do,…
  • And, to be honest, when my husband found out he was diabetic twenty years or so ago, and lost a lot of weight, I made ZERO effort to support him, and he fell back into bad habits. I still feel bad about that. That’s why I’ve never nagged him to join me here, but was overjoyed when he did. Sometimes, teamwork is as hard or…
    in My gf Comment by springlering62 May 3
  • Not sure where you’re coming from with that. IMHO a good couple are a team. I cook, he cleans up. I do laundry, he takes out the trash. I clean house, he changes oil, gases up the car, feeds the critters, cleans the cat box (🤢). I plan meals and make the list, he often shops for me, brings in and puts away the groceries. I…
    in My gf Comment by springlering62 May 3
  • Find people whose advice or background/plan resonates with you and send a friend request. Just hanging out here and passively asking folks to friend seldom works because….. many others quit after the first day. 😔 Passivity does not work for weight loss. You have to find it within yourself to take the reins, and ride that…
    in Hello Comment by springlering62 May 2
  • pS- I listened to an absolute lightning bolt of a podcast a couple weeks ago. I think it was from the fascinating British Betwixt the Sheets podcast, which is about (weird as it sounds) sex and social mores throughout history. They had a professor whose take on long-held beliefs about menopause, periods etc came from men,…
  • Welcome to MFP, ladies. I joined post menopausal, at age 56. I lost over 40% of my starting weight, from a 22W down to a consistent size 4. Take your focus off the word “struggle”. Struggle implies difficulty, or insurmountable obstacles. If you believe something is a struggle, then by golly, a struggle it’s gonna be. I…
  • I’m curious. My blood pressure is a bit elevated after weight loss. I know this is kinda an asinine question but I usually wear long sleeves. You’d have no idea I’m muscular unless I stripped down some. When they do the BP cuff, it gets so painfully tight it cuts off circulation. Do you think it’s possible that the cuff…
  • I feel like a proud momma. It’s just so stinking awesome to see friends here succeed, and this was a true success! Loving your shirt and cheering squads. And good grief! You raised a lotta dough! Go, you, twice over!!!!!
  • Laura, while I treasure many of my friends on my private feed, it was participating and reading here on the boards that propelled me. I earned so much. I had some really oddball questions, and despite a few snarky answers ( which I get, because those of us who frequent here see the same questions over and over ad naseum,…
  • As @claireychn074 says, it depends on where you started from and genetics. I started from nearly 100 pounds overweight. After losing that weight, I have kick *kitten* abs. Do I have a six pack? *sigh* I have a ring of leftover extra skin, and genetic predisposition to be thin everywhere except my waist. Would I stop…
  • My first trainer owned a competitive lifting gym and travelled all over the place, attending competitions with gym members. I do yoga several times a week and though not naturally flexible, have developed it. She used to constantly wish her competitors stretched regularly like me. I couldn’t throw around the weight they…
  • PS have made smoothies with their vanilla powder, milk (you could substitute), fresh ginger root, apple and cottage cheese (maybe could sub soft tofu?). Delicious. No icky protein powder taste like others I’ve tried.
  • Nugo makes a chocolate and a vanilla pea protein powder. Both are very good. I’ve made pancakes with the chocolate and they cooked up terrific. Not cheap, but if you sign up for texts, they’ll send discount codes frequently. Their dark chocolate protein bars are fantastic, too.
  • I wouldn’t focus so so hard on macros initially, while still learning the app. It can be so overwhelming trying to balance calories and macros, many people throw up their hands in frustration and walk away. I (and ymmv) feel like my body was so happy at the beginning, not being forcefed so much food, that it rewarded me…
  • I hadn’t thought of it that way, but yes indeedily do, there sure was. Well said!
  • And who says you have to be “in the gym?” Walking is just fine. I did plenty of that, created an off-the-sofa habit and then added gym and other workouts when I was better able to view them as a “want to” versus a “must do”.
  • Look at your food diary. Where can you make substitutions? We use half rice and half cauliflower rice I. Stir fries- a huge calorie savings Diet sodas, tea or sparkling waters in lieu of soda. Sugar free syrups, ketchups, etc Powdered peanut butter instead of regular in smoothies, baked goods, ice creams. Lower cal/fat…
  • OP, general advice. Do no click through unfamiliar links from brand new posters.
  • My husband, Type 2, lost weight here via MFP. His doctor offered to take him off diabetes meds. He decided to stay on them, at a lower dosage. I wish he’d come off them, but he feels more secure, in case he does mess up his eating habits. We travel a fair amount, and both tend to go off the chain trying new foods, eating…
  • @Strudders67 makes a really valid point. In my pre-MFP naïveté, I thought sodas and sweetened coffee drinks “don’t count”, because they went …”.right through me so fast”. I don’t drink, but I would have been dumb enough to think the same of wine, cocktails and beer. If only it worked that way IRL.
  • Coconut Nugo bars. Soooooo good. Better than a Mounds bar and nutritious, too?! 👍🏻 Took a buttload to Europe for family. Pickwick green lemon tea and Kusmi White Berry tea. Brought back a buttload. Customs Officer lady: “ma’am, what’s in the box?” “Tea, Lindt chocolate, and hagel”. “What? We don’t have tea here?” “Not as…
  • Hi, @Lauraschlafalbert Welcome to MFP. Well, I can encourage you all you want, but data is your friend. When did you start? What was your starting weight? Height? Current weight? Did you begin exercise at the same time? Did you go hog wild? If so, are you still stiff and sore from it? Are you weighing and logging…
  • There’s a famous saying: comparison is the thief of joy Don’t compare yourself or your journey to others. Instead of finding the whole thing to be frenetic and hateful and freaking out over gaining weight over a large holiday, or losing it quickly, take a deep breath, step back and make plans. If you’d done this last…