Hello all. I just met with my Rheumy this morning and my inflammatory factors are sky high. Apparently it should be under 30 and I'm in the 60s. Not sure what all that means, but it doesn't sound good. So I mentioned I had been reading articles about how gluten intolerance could affect inflammation, and I had been toying…
Can we get this group going again? I'm cruising in May -- a SHORT 4 months from now. I'm in full gear! Anyone else? Ann
Hello all -- relatively new to MFP, and even newer to the gym! I've been going 3-4 times per week since i joined January 24th, so I'm thinking it's going to "stick." But I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. There's all those machines, free weights and such. What should a girl like me do? I started just doing the…