dkabambe Member

  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    Today I had 11.3k on my plan, and after a very busy week was quite tired and lower legs were very stiff so decided a nice easy pace was in order. Up the hill and on the plateau was taking it very eas…
  • Re: July 2017 Running Challenge

    240km target set on the basis that I sign up (and train) for a full in October [my first], and use the HM as a long training run rather than "race" it - i.e. no missed runs for taper/recove…
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Been so busy with work didn't get to check in after last couple of runs, but ended up smashing my expectations after returning to running after a 6-week absence: 11-June: 6.50km easy 13-June: 5.18km …
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Today I set out to do 17k as test to see whether I could do my HM in two weeks time. I managed it although the last 3k were a struggle - just had to turn my music up and focus on keeping my cadence u…
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Done a lot of walking today (15+ miles) so had only planned to do 2-3k early evening easy jog. Combination of it being a bit cooler (25C when I set out), with a decent wind and legs feeling surprisin…