dkabambe Member

  • Re: Dry January!

    Sending positive vibes to everyone for the weekend. Even with my brother visiting I've managed to resist temptation today. It's now 9pm and going to bed otherwise would definitely indulge in a glass …
  • Re: Dry January!

    Out for mum's birthday last night, and back to house with everyone drinking champagne/prosecco. Was an odd feeling being the sober one for once and really did fancy a drink, but I abstained and was s…
  • Re: Runners?

    Also training for my first marathon (in April). Can't work out if I'm more scared or excited!!
  • Re: Dry January!

    @KentuckyAHA If I'm consistently under my calorie goal, I tend to give myself a "refuel". I tend to look at my rolling weekly calorie average rather than be a slave to the number each day, …
  • Re: Dry January!

    Thanks - I did notice that but they had a diet version which I ordered. Full of sweeteners which have their own issues, but figured better overall and water just wasn't going to cut it!!