BeGrandLike Member

  • Re: RIP Favourite Jeans

    You know something? This whole thread got me thinking about how I used to blame my "giant lifting/squatting thighs/butt" on why I keep on wearing my jeans through on the inner thigh after a…
  • Re: RIP Favourite Jeans

    Ah, I describe my current body shape as that of someone who clearly likes the gym and playing sports.. but who also CLEARLY likes finishing the last slice of pizza :D So the great butt shape is under…
  • Re: RIP Favourite Jeans

    Doesn't it just? And I loved those jeans. They are- I mean, were- high waisted enough to hide the worst of my tummy fat, and at the same time just the right shape to make my butt look great :'(…
  • RIP Favourite Jeans

    I'm not looking for advice here or anything of the sort- I just needed a space to be annoyed about a thing! So y'know how it is. Often the sign that your weight is A Problem isn't when you look in th…
  • Re: What Mini Goal is motivating you right now!

    I'm 11lbs above my first goal- which is to bring myself down into the "overweight" category. It feels big enough that I need to be serious about tackling it, but also manageable enough that…