sarahbums Member

  • Re: Not losing?

    because everyone deserves to recover. Even you. No one deserves to have their life stolen and ruined by this illness. I'm 9 months in to my own recovery, and my only regret is that i didnt seek help …
  • Re: Not losing?

    current and goal weight
  • Re: Not losing?

    how accurate is your logging? are you weighing your food? if not, you could be eating more than you think. you've only been at it for 3 weeks- give it a bit more time. If you still aren't losing afte…
  • Re: Not losing?

    if you used to have an ED and are now going full days without eating, it may be a good idea to get back in contact with your treatment team (Dr., therapist, dietitian, etc)....
  • Re: What are your goals?

    my goal is to maintain my weight and get healthy enough to give running another shot. I started c25k about a year ago, but ended up quitting on week 2 or 3 because my ED was getting worse and i just …