33gail33 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Interestingly I just read something today that says the opposite - it loses 90% of it's ability to infect within 20 mintues. I'll try to find it. ETA - it is preliminary and not peer reviewed yet. ht…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    OK I have a possibly stupid question maybe the medical people here can answer. I keep reading that Omicron infects the upper airway but doesn't infiltrate the lungs like the other variants do - so wh…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Yes our PCR tests are reported by the provider as well. I was talking about the rapid tests you do at home. Unless you follow up with a PCR (which we can't even do now) they do not get reported anywh…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I wouldn't mind getting one of these just out of curiosity. I had a very mild illness in June 2020 that left me with post-viral type symptoms for 5+ months. I always thought that maybe it was long Co…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    For travel into Canada proof of a positive Covid test between 14-180 days prior to arrival is valid instead of a PCR test. I believe this is because the PCR test can remain positive that long after t…