1BlueAurora Member

  • Re: Unsupportive Husband

    I don't see why you can't prepare veggie side dishes that will double as the main dish for you, salads and appetizers, and designate your husband the Grill Sergeant. Just make a bigger portion of wha…
  • Re: 1500 cal Vs 1200

    I wish that the first time I used MFP, I hadn't gone with the 1200 calorie route. I lost a lot of weight (yay!) but much of it was muscle mass (oh, no!). I also lost a lot of hair, which was dismayin…
  • Re: I don't want to lose hair again

    @milkameisje I'm glad to see you've changed your goals to eating 2000 calories a day. It seems like a good approach. Be sure to drink lots of water - dehydration can lead to fainting (at least it has…
  • Re: Cheat day

    Definitely will slow your progress if you're doing this every week. You can always do this and see whether your scale starts showing that you've backslid on your goals.
  • Re: Intermittent fasting and low carb

    Dancer0515 please see your doctor. There are many reasons unrelated to diet that could explain an inability to heal. I'm no doctor so I won't list what they might be, but its worth your looking into.