callsitlikeiseeit Member

  • Re: Stress

    You want to talk about STRESS nadine. SIT DOWN and woman up. I lost the majority of my weight between 2014-2016, 150 pounds of it, when my husband at the time had a stroke and was partially paralyzed…
  • Re: Aiming to lose 20pounds

    Cliffs Notes of Weight Loss: * small, sustainable changes * Weight loss happens in THE KITCHEN, fitness happens in the gym * Understand weight fluctuations are normal. Thinks of a roller coaster, not…
  • Re: Food sucks

    there is no bad food or bad time. just bad QUANTITIES and poor NUTRITION. even junk food is fine in limited quantities (hell i just had a small brownie with my coffee LMAO) what I recommend is re-eva…
  • Re: Stress

    nadine, we have tried to help you time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again. go back to all of THOSE posts and read what we wrote THERE. our advice a…
  • Re: Back Again.... I am stuck

    Without an open diary, the only thing i will pretty much ever say, is that it is entirely possible you are eating more than you think you are, especially if you are eating back any exercise calories …