nutmegoreo Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I tend to keep extra stuff around anyway, just in case I'm too lazy to go to the grocery store one week, I have plenty. I did pick up a few extra canned goods this last trip, but I can typically last…
  • Re: Not seeing progress HELP

    The 1850, doesn't include exercise even. I would start with 1850, since you have been eating considerably less, and give it several weeks to even out. Remember that the scale will fluctuate regularly…
  • Re: Not seeing progress HELP

    How many calories does MFP give you if you set it up to maintain your weight?
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    For whoever disagreed with this:
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    My comment about the labour laws was made because the person you were referring to is Canadian (according to his profile), he isn't likely facing unemployment should he be quarantined in another coun…