Theo166 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Are you trying to say the study is bad, or his commentary on the research? You can do better than just throwing out an ad hominem
  • Re: What nobody tells you about losing weight

    I've seen quite a few posts here claiming that "eating healthier is more expensive" I honestly don't see how that is possible, if you show any concern about prices when shopping - no fast f…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I think the only workable strategy is to require everyone to wear masks, regardless of vaxx status. Keep the message simple and both groups are susceptible. Compliance isn't 100% but at least everyon…
  • Re: Pfizer for teens?

    While maybe not your intent, this sounds to me like we should treat the unvaxxed as lepers. In fact, getting vaxxed is more about reducing their risk of hospitalization and death, not the spread. Eve…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Both can be true.* The vaxx makes you less sick and quicker recover, so you you less contagious * The vaxx makes you more confident, and you reduce social distancing and engage in more risky behavior…