The_Enginerd Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    My girlfriend saw her ENT and he didn't mention that. She took a total of four at home tests from two different brands. Her ENT said it was likely a flu but did not give her a flu test, but I thought…
  • Re: Vitamin D and covid

    I would not expect Pfizer would fund a study because that's not their wheelhouse, and like you said, they don't have any financial incentive to do so. However, there is an entire world out there, and…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    When the mask requirement went away, I've been continuing to wear a high quality (KF94) mask on flights. Right after the mask mandate on airlines was lifted, I was on a flight where the three childre…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    On the flip side, companies are using remote work and WFH to attract and retain talent. It is seen as a benefit by many employees, attracts and allows for a wider pool of candidates, and saves money …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    The CDC currently has my county and all surrounding areas in the Low category. The cases were low and continuing to drop rapidly here when the mask mandate was lifted, and cases has continued to drop…