The_Enginerd Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    That seems to be the case. I had my own mixed feelings about getting a booster for the same reason but forgoing protection for myself won't get that same shot into the arm of an unvaccinated person. …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Second case of Omicron variant identified in the US from community transmission, verifying it was already in the US before it was first identified. Travel bans are pointless at this juncture, it just…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I was hoping TWIV would have something on it, but today's release did not include discussion of the new variant as far as I can tell. Likely too little info or lead time since WHO just held their eme…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Something looks a bit off with that graphic as CA is well below that threshold in both the most recent daily data and the moving 7 day average.…
  • Re: What amount of money is a “livable wage”?

    The total tax burden ($ per capita or as a % of income) is generally high in CA, we are around #8 to #10 nationally, but I wouldn't call it out as the primary cause of the high costs of living. The b…