The_Enginerd Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I've seen parts of this post shared in memes mistakenly attributed wholly to Macron, but the sentiment of frustration is shared by many of us that have done our part and are still suffering the burde…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    My partner and I were discussing this yesterday. At this point, I'm all for charging higher rates (akin to smokers) or allowing insurers to exempt coverage for COVID-19 care for those that choose not…
  • Re: Successfully maintaining but always hungry

    Your overall diet choices sound reasonable based on your description, and you can make your diary public if you want others to take a peek at the details. I personally do not find oats very satiating…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Did an impromptu dinner out last Saturday night in our downtown area, the first since CA has "fully reopened". Some of the clubs and restaurants were PACKED. It's such a swift, stark contra…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    In my area mask usage at the grocery store that I frequent is around 75% still. At my workplace, they stated vaccinated individuals could not longer wear a mask weeks ago, and the couple of times I'v…