Cherimoose Member

  • Re: CrossFit?

    Actually, runners will. New runners have a 20-26% injury rate, depending on which study you look at. And there are way more runners than Crossfitters. You'll be rich. :+1:
  • Re: Shoes

    Running shoes usually have an elevated heel and relatively spongy sole, neither of which are ideal for most gym workouts. Zero-heel shoes like skateboard shoes are usually better for general workouts…
  • Re: leg pain

    Well, usually when someone gets shin pain from walking but not running, it's from having tight calves and/or wearing shoes with a raised heel. Most shoes on the market have a raised heel, which isn't…
  • Re: Knees hurt so bad after lunges

    Split squats ("stationary lunges") and step-ups are good substitutes for lunges that tend to be easier on the knees. For both, keep the front knee from going forward of the toes. :+1: With …
  • Re: i need to work on my posture !!

    Is there a quick fix for chronic dental problems? Buy a small swiss ball and lay on your back on it a few times a day, like this: That plus practicing good pos…