Cherimoose Member

  • Re: Which way to go?

    At the beginning, it's more important to develop the habit of staying active daily, so cardio is perfect for that. Start slow and gradually work up in difficulty, to avoid the common overuse injuries…
  • Re: No Fat & No Sugar... HELP!!!

    I doubt they literally meant zero fat, because that can cause malnutrition. Anyway, get a referral to a Registered Dietician. Following random advice on the internet could impact your health. :+1:
  • Re: running help

    Hard to say without seeing you run, but my guess is that you're going too fast and overstriding, and your left hip doesn't have the flexibility for the longer strides. Try slowing down and land on yo…
  • Re: Ab workout ideas

    The bad news - Exercises don't target the skin layer. Ab exercises won't give you the results you want, sorry. The good news - Loose skin often tightens up on its own within 2-3 years of losing the w…
  • Re: Sumo dumbbell squats vs barbell

    Back squats aren't required for that. Feel free to play around with other squat variations - goblet squats.. zercher squats.. 2 dumbbell squats (narrow stance).. dumbbell front squats.. hex bar squat…