kimny72 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Remember that last winter no one (except trial participants) were vaxxed and this winter lots of people are. I'm sure there are some states and counties where we will again see some horrible numbers,…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Just to add a personal experience: My boss's twin 7 yr old boys were in the trial. One had basically no reaction to either shot. The other had a fever starting about 12 hrs after the second shot that…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    @SModa61 ! After posting I decided to listen to TWIV while I worked and Mondays epi was a Q&A with Dr Daniel Griffith and he talked about this :smiley: He said there is an age based development p…
  • Re: Filling emotional hunger

    @ReenieHJ sorry you're struggling! I've gained back over 10 lbs this year and I can tie it directly to feeling useless in the evenings and attempting to change that by eating several servings of pret…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Any virologist I've listened to has said it seems that being vaxxed does make a person less contagious and they believe most spread comes from the unvaxxed. Even in states doing very well On vaccinat…