kimny72 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I got the J&J so I have an appt this Friday with the health dept to get my booster. I'm getting Pfizer because it is the most available here in central Virginia for some reason. Just listened to …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Ok, I'm convinced someone involved in TWIV reads this thread :lol: . A link was posted here several days ago to a YT video where a "doctor" discussed a Swedish study that cautioned that the…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    #1 explains away #2. There is a lack of data, meaning that one study is not enough. There is also some data (though again not enough) that suggests people can get symptomatic covid multiple times. #3…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Yes, I wasn't trying to disagree with you, sorry if that's the way it sounded! The primary reason I'm trying to not get infected for as long as I possibly can is the possibility of long term effects …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I tried to listen to some of the video and read the paper. The paper is published in a journal run by a controversial publisher that has been criticized for shoddy peer review and predatory means of …