shaumom Member

  • Re: How Has the Coronavirus Affected You?

    Things are escalating a bit now. My son is in a competitive sport and the league has cancelled all the competitions until the end of April. Honestly, I don't understand how people are NOT concerned. …
  • Re: Vegan and gluten free

    I have not done this, no, but have acquaintances who have, so I can share what their experience was, at least? 1. Money - this greatly depends on what 'type' of gluten free you are. - If you are goin…
  • Re: Dealing with Depression

    I'm gonna say the opposite of Womona, LOL. Before you see a therapist, I'd check for physical health, if at all possible. The mind is part of the body, so if there's anything going wrong in the body,…
  • Re: Acid Reflux

    I'd also recommend figuring out your triggers. And in that vein, getting tested for celiac disease, for food allergies, and doing a food elimination diet (in that order, because celiac testing accura…
  • Re: Working out while sick.

    So just saying here...for the typical cold/flu deal, the germs are getting spread by secretions. Which obviously aren't IN our hands, just get ON our hands and/or spread around in the air when we cou…