Aaron_K123 Member

  • Re: Let's talk about ghosting.

    Only fair I suppose to ask, no I haven't personally "ghosted" anyone. I don't honestly feel that has relevance to anyone else though, each example is situational and personal. I don't know …
  • Re: Let's talk about ghosting.

    Cruelty is relative. It is cruel to subject someone to something that pains them. Some people are pained by not having closure, some people are pained by having to deal with conflict and attempt clos…
  • Re: Peloton ad

    Really? Is that statistic for the United States or the world as a whole? Because assuming a two adult household where both adults work that would be only 32.5k a year per adult which is not even a do…
  • Re: Let's talk about ghosting.

    To turn the question around if you truly decide that you don't care about someone anymore then why would you take the time to try to explain that to them in a difficult and awkward conversation?
  • Re: Peloton ad

    <shrug> stock prices are reactionary and ephemeral, what matters is their sales and quarterly reports. If their sales increase their stock will increase over time. This sort of reactionary nega…