BeezBeez Member

  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    My scale hasn't been moving much at all, but I am losing inches. Two NSVs this week... my mother-in-law asked me how much weight I've lost (not really much of anything, but it must show I've been wor…
  • Re: How do you destress?

    I've gotten a couple cortisone shots and no, I'm still not back to running. I'm barely back to walking, some days. Thanks, I'll let my docs handle this one.
  • Re: How do you destress?

    You know, thanks for saying this. Anytime you Google "how to relieve stress" or something similar, every article tells you to get some exercise, eat healthy, and try meditation, but nothing…
  • Re: How do you destress?

    These are great! Keep 'em coming! (Rowing actually did really help me today, but I'm absolutely going to implement angry-mopping and shooter games in the future!)
  • Re: Stress and weight loss

    I've absolutely been there, and I'm now dealing with the weight gain a couple years down the road, now that life has calmed down. I knew I was sliding back into bad habits at the time, but I was so o…