Danp Member

  • Re: Focus on building muscle and ditching the fat?

    I'm not at that stage yet but I'm sure others will be able to chime in with more detailed information. It sounds like what you're looking for is body recomposition. This, as I understand it, is done …
  • Re: Confused about chicken

    Unless it's already cooked when you get it don't weigh cooked food. Always weigh raw. Food changes weight when it's cooked so it reduces the accuracy of your logging even more than normal. What's wor…
  • Re: Why not 1000 calories?

    Ahhh, now it all makes more sense. It's a marketing sign up. So how long do we have to wait before the links to whatever site/product you're peddling start to show up?
  • Re: Why not 1000 calories?

    I'm gonna be blunt here so skip the below unless you want to hear the raw truth. Because at that level of calorie intake your body isn't getting enough energy to maintain life sustaining functions. S…
  • Re: Halfway to goal (pics)

    @MyFitnessGoal232 A calorie is a measurement of energy. There's no such thing as a 'good' calorie or a 'bad' calorie just like there's no such thing as a good or bad metre, a good or bad ounce or a g…