Jelaan Member

  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in March 2019

    from Mtaratoot: Have you considered some kind of app that shows you a trend from daily numbers? Fluctuation happens! There's another group here on MFP called Lose 1 Pound A Week and Keep It Off! 2019…
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in March 2019

    March starting weight 139.5lbs March goal weight 137 Goal weight 125lbs March 1st: 139.5 March 8: 139.4 March 15: 140 March 22: March 29: No sense of direction- weight is supposed to be going down no…
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in March 2019

    Helps to have company :) March starting weight 139.5lbs March goal weight 137 Goal weight 125lbs March 1st: 139.5 March 8: March 15: March 22: March 29: March on everyone! :)
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in February 2019

    Starting weight: 140lbs February starting weight: 138.1lbs February goal: 134lbs Ultimate goal: 125lbs Feb 1st: 138.1 Feb 8th: 137.7 Feb 15th: 137.1 Feb 22nd: Feb: 28th 138.5 February loss: meh. Need…
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in February 2019

    Don't think I have quite got the hang of this weight loss thing :( Starting weight: 140lbs February starting weight: 138.1lbs February goal: 134lbs Ultimate goal: 125lbs Feb 1st: 138.1 Feb 8th: 137.7…