Maritill Member

  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MARCH 2020

    Hello everyone, Tonight I had baked parmesan tomatoes. I liked them along with the chicken breast I baked. I only put the parmesan cheese from a can on them as I forgot the basil and parsley. So now …
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MARCH 2020

    Good morning everyone. Nice and sunny here in WV. Went for my walk and had hat and glove on. On the way home they came off as the sun made me hot. It was 40 min. worth of walking. I am doing a 1K on …
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MARCH 2020

    Thanks Barbie. I just added garlic salt to my bowl of corn chowder and it was DELICIOUS!!! Going to put that on the recipe card instead of throwing it out. Just finished organizing the gifts that hav…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MARCH 2020

    Thanks everyone for the tips. Will try the garlic salt with lunch. I LOVE Penzey's. Open my cupboard doors and there it is. I only cook for me so I try to get the small sizes but have a few large one…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR MARCH 2020

    Hi everyone, Have a lot of reading to catch up on. Just read pgs 19-22. Keeping busy. Pulled everything out of pantry last week and cleaned the shelves. Put back about 75%, the rest has to be figured…