WaterLily82 Member

  • Re: 100 Reasons Why

    Day 46 and 47 of 100 Reasons Why: (I missed yesterday somehow! LOL) 46: To feel powerful 💪🏻 47: With summer comes comes chafing! The rub is real!!
  • Re: 100 Reasons Why

    Day 9 of 100 Reasons Why: To blow people’s minds! Most everyone knows me as this sweet, always smiling, perpetually chubby girl but I want to see the look on the face of someone who hasn’t seen me in…
  • Re: 100 Reasons Why

    Day 24 of 100 Reasons Why: To be able to travel more. At my weight just the idea of going on a plane makes my palms sweat. I’m not afraid of flying, in fact I’ve always loved plane rides. I’m afraid …
  • Re: 100 Reasons Why

    Day 7 of 100 Reasons Why: To accomplish something that I’ve never been able to accomplish before. I’ve been overweight since about the 2nd grade. Maybe not obese, not then, but certainly chubby. My m…
  • Re: 100 Reasons Why

    Day 15 of 100 Reasons Why: To learn to eat to live instead of living just to eat. For years I lived my life from meal to meal, snack to snack, constantly looking forward to the next time I would eat.…