dkabambe Member

  • Re: September Self-Care Challenge

    Hi all - this group seems like a wonderful resource, and self-care is definitely something I should do more of especially with a few stresses in my life at the moment. Bought myself two new cookbooks…
  • Re: Dry January!

    Had always planned for my dry jan to last until 7pm tonight (when meeting friends at pub) but managed to stretch it out an extra hour! I then had 4 pints of lager - hopefully won't regret in the morn…
  • Re: Dry January!

    I've a pub night out tomorrow - originally had intended to drink (planned before decided to go dry) but right now 50/50 whether I will so will see how I feel tomorrow. Either way I'm planning on bein…
  • Re: Dry January!

    I think it was just so rare for me to actually have a free weekend evening (let alone two) that I just went into auto-pilot Have to admit that before I caught myself I was really looking forward to a…
  • Re: Dry January!

    Decided on a nice long run after work today (half marathon distance) as part of my marathon training so fortunately now too tired to even think about drink, let alone head out!! Now just need to find…