jenilla1 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    OK, so the pics we see lately are Spring-breakers, obviously young people. But that's just one example of stupidity. Personally, I don't see this as a "young people problem." When I look ar…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I was just thinking of this perspective myself. This is not the first time people have had their lives interrupted. This current disruption has actually been a lot more comfortable than a lot of gene…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    That doesn't look the least bit fun, TBH, just milling about in a crowd of randoms. Is anybody even smiling? They all look bored. YOLO... Will it all be worth it when you carry the virus back to your…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Bwahahahaha! Well...I guess YOU got schooled! That's literally the funniest thing I've heard all week! (Both that idiot comment and your hilarious response!) Thanks for the laugh this morning. I need…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    OK, but people don't get as upset when a convenience store worker or an assembly line worker quits. They usually can't afford to quit and they don't have much power as a group, so society tends to ov…