kristen8000 Member

  • Re: Aug Check In

    Hi! My name is Kristen. And I struggle to maintain my weight. I have had great success losing/gaining, but I'm hoping this group helps me be more accountable. I weigh only 1x week on Sundays, so that…
  • Re: Simplified ways of tracking for maintenance

    My 2020 goal was to weigh in 1x a week (I picked Sunday). I don't log food in maintenance (I find if I do I don't eat enough, because my MFP mind is set in losing weight, not maintaining). If my weig…
  • Re: cravings

    Now, after losing 20lbs and getting control of my diet, I tend to crave 'healthy food'. Cookies, cake, donuts, ice cream, chocolate, potato chips, etc tend to just make me feel gross, which deters me…
  • Re: Low Calorie Chips

    Eat regular chips, but only eat a serving size. The good Kettle Ones I have in my pantry are only 140 calories for 1oz. Weigh them out, enjoy them. Don't go back for more. Problem solved.
  • Re: Waht keeps you motivated?

    Fitting into my clothes. I've reached my goal (actually overshot it) and now I need to be as vigilant as ever so everything in my closet doesn't shrink again.