Re: Coronavirus prep
I sincerely doubt he'd have been more sympathetic as I hadn't (until the specific post he objected to) posted anything about covid on facebook. Or at least not anything that suggested I thought the r…6 -
Re: Coronavirus prep
I literally had someone on Facebook tell me that I'm the reason that we have to have these restrictions and that I'm selfish and generally terrible for suggesting that I'm not going to let fear of Co…7 -
Re: How does Covid-19 affect Obesity epidemic?
But the lockdown had to have contributed because many people are now terrified of getting the virus and dying. The lockdown is what caused that line of thinking. Especially since all we hear in the U…3 -
Re: Coronavirus prep
I'm not a fan of the way the phone gears my ads towards me whenever I've been searching for something - it's becoming something I'm not comfortable with honestly. The kindle app is totally fine for i…2 -
Re: Coronavirus prep
I've seen multiple posts where people are calling other people stupid, ignorant, and other not very kind names. I will admit it happens even more on social media but it's certainly happening here as …6