lalee115 Member

  • Re: What We're Eating

    Breakfast: cup of hot cocoa Snack 1: half peanut butter sandwich and a cup of hot cocoa (getting over some funky virus, and it feels so good!) Lunch: Big salad and an apple Snack 2: Chocolate waffle …
  • Re: What We're Eating

    Breakfast: A scrambled egg with some shredded cheddar Snack 1: apple cider and peanut butter crackers Lunch: chicken noodle soup, saltines and a chocolate chip cookie Snack 2: chocolate waffle with p…
  • Re: New products that caught your eyes recently?

    Not new, according to the Internet. But new to me. I saw someone at work had one last week and was drawn in by the low calorie count! Really good, as far as microwave meals go. The green beans needed…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    Yesterday was my boss' birthday. Someone came and cooked for us, and I ate only steamed shrimp and corn on the cob and maybe 4 french fries. I also (more importantly) resisted double chocolate cake a…
  • Re: Easy bfast ideas

    A slice of Health Nut bread, toasted. Top it with a TBSP of peanut butter and sliced banana. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Yummy! (And easy!) I also like the Chobani flips yogurt a lot, and I'm not ordinar…