moonangel12 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Walked with friends again this morning, one lady invited another lady and when it turned to COVID it was 3 vs. 1 in terms of viewpoints (myself being the one). All 3 very anti mask, the new lady refe…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I was thinking that as well, but I tend to stay quiet when they are ranting about masks and COVID regulations in general...
  • Re: Menopause

    Welcome! Read the stickies at the top, very helpful! I have learned calories are the ticket (after scoffing for years). Get a digital scale and be honest about your logging. You can enter in your sta…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    Sunburn pain on thighs - do you take acetaminophen, or anything that contains it?? I always attributed that particular symptom to a fibro flare only to find it was actually me developing a drug aller…
  • Re: I hate whole foods

    I have successfully lost 30 lbs this year with plenty of Cheetos and chocolate in my logs :lol: I physically feel better NOT eating them, but weight loss is 100% possible with the foods you currently…