moonangel12 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    They are taking preventative measures, but they are somewhat being made up on the fly... this is so unprecedented that his company didn’t have anything in place, but since they are on site with P&…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Panic buying has set in here (eastern panhandle of WV) - the small, quiet grocery store I frequent was INSANE at 3:00 this afternoon and things like bread were all but cleared out. Dog food was sold …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I saw that... and honestly, a big name like him might help people “see” it in a different light.
  • Re: So cold I feel like I might freeze to death!

    I went from being hot all the time, comfortable in winter temps, to freezing my tail off! Some of that might be my hysterectomy last year as well though (I went from quite frequent hotflashes to next…
  • Re: Podcasts

    I was thinking that might be the case, but sometime “motivating” for me is giving me a reason to go run so I can listen to something outside of the daily “moooommmmm!” 😜 I don’t have too many “favori…