ythannah Member

  • Re: What's the last thing you bought?

    A 3 lb bag of lemons. I'd have preferred just a couple but they had no loose bulk ones. I don't even like lemon. They're for my dog. She's an incorrigible counter surfer who has managed to snag a ton…
  • Re: Calories in Alcohol

    I'd LOVE to see this. Not sure why every other manufactured food and beverage is required to have a nutrition label, including restaurant meals, but alcohol products are exempt (I'm in Canada). My fa…
  • Re: What irks you today?

    My own carelessness yet again. So I have a puppy that is chewing everything except the 12 chew toys lying around for that purpose. She particularly likes wood. I have some of that deterrent bitter sp…
  • Re: What irks you today?

    Sorry to hear this. My deepest sympathies for your loss. :'(
  • Re: What irks you today?

    Have you ever done a low-FODMAP diet? My doc stuck me on one (even though my issues are post-surgical and not food related) and it's supposed to eliminate a lot of problematic foods, which then get a…