To my fellow readers. . .

missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
Books, books and more books.

Read in a forum chat about everyone wanting to join a book club. . . .well here you go.

Introduce yourself and a small list of your favorite books.


  • Scarlettbird50
    Scarlettbird50 Posts: 45 Member
    hi there. I love books. have not been able to read much lately but the most recent a week or so ago that I read was Secret Daughter by by Shilpi Somaya Gowda

    Kavita and Jasu are a poor but loving couple living in the rural town of Dhanau, India. In a society that favors boys and considers girls as a burden, Kavita has to give up her daughter to an orphanage, to protect her life. Meanwhile another couple from America, Somer and Krishnan can’t have a baby and decide to adopt, connecting the lives of these two very different couples separated by thousand of miles. And thus begins this really touching tale of their lives and the daughter who binds them.

    List of my favorite books would be difficult but some are: Room by Emma Donaghue, anything by Kate Morton (house at Riverton, Forgotten Garden) Sarah's key, Jane Eyre....just too many to list.
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    I love Patricia Cornwell!
    Any story of mystery and crime will work.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Ooh, book club!

    I love to read most anything, but my favorite ever was the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. Best.Books.Ever :)
  • brightday02
    Hi all,
    I read a variety of books but my favorite genre are YA (dystopian) and Street Lit (Ghetto hood novels).

    My Favorite books
  • deborah0123
    Hi I am excited about a book club.. I love reading and read so many different books..I love books. How is this club going to work.. do we all read a certain book and discuss it...or just discuss the book we are reading now..just curious..
  • PhoeenBanafrit
    Hi everyone,
    I've recently finished Land of Stories by Chris Colfer, it's a children's story admittedly but I absolutely loved it :)
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    If we ARE all going to read the same and discuss, I would love to suggest

    'Sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind. Fantasy novel, with a beautiful love story, magic, humor, and totally believable characters (even if they can cast Wizards Fire, or force confessions from anyone)....long, 'can't stop reading!' kinda novel


    Autumn by David moody...this is the first in a series of zombie apocalypse novels, although the author never uses the term zombie...easy entertaining read.

    Anyone have other suggestions?
  • hellotherecupcake
    Yay book club! I hope to get to know some of you!

    I love most kinds of books, but have a fondness for chick lit and fiction. :-)
  • brightday02
    I like some chick lit as well.
  • headoverhills
    Thank you, thank you for starting this! I will have to work on my list of books, I devour them. Right now I'm reading the latest from my guilty pleasure, Nora Roberts, The Witness. Off the top of my head, I can suggest White Oleander by Janet Fitch, anything by Ken Follett, Margaret Atwood, Left Neglected by Lisa Genova.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member
    Love book clubs! So excited! I hop all over genre's. Over the summer I challenged myself to read all the classics again from high school. It was fun. I like to read a lot of non-fiction, various topics.

    Favorite Fiction:
    Sookie Stackhouse series
    Girl w the Dragon Tattoo series (It's like book crack! So addicting)

    Last Non-Fiction:
    Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead

    I don't read girly books. You won't ever find anything Nicholas Sparks in my home lol.
  • Rebzan
    Rebzan Posts: 24
    I love to read!!

    Right now I am reading Catherine Coulter's Backfire. I love mysteries and sci-fi fantasy books. Favorite authors are Margaret Weis (Dragonlance books), James Patterson, George RR Martin (Game of Thrones), Terry Goodkind, and many, many more!! I could go on and on.

    I have also read the Twilight series although mostly for teenage girls. I got "sucked" into it by a friend of mine!! :)
  • spotty_dotty
    spotty_dotty Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Book Lovers,

    My name is Eileen and I'm new to MFP.
    I'm in education, so during summer my reading shoots way up, but reading I always make time for good reads during the school year.

    Some of my favorite books are:

    100 Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
    Classic science fiction: Fahrenheit 451, Enders Game, Childhood's End
    ANY thing by David Sedaris (truly a LOL writer)
  • 7201955
    7201955 Posts: 27 Member
    Oh how I love books. My favorite books are "Life of Pi", "To Kill a Mockingbird", and nonfiction. I especially like books about spiritual journeys. The last book I read was "Water for Elephants" which I read for another bookclub. I can't belong to too many.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Love mystery books
    Mary Higgins Clark
    Patricia Cornwell
    James Patterson
    Alfred Hitcock
    Perry Mason
    Sherlock Holmes
    Nancy Drew & Hardy boys
    John Grishom
    J.D Robb
    Lisa Jackson
    Stuart Woods
    Mary Jane Clark
    Currently reading James Patterson
    11th hour & Guilty wives
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Hello, I'm Hannah!

    I really like sci-fi, dystopian, and fantasy.

    To name a few:
    - Ender's Game
    - Wizards First Rule
    - The Dresden Files (working my way through the series.. can't wait til November 27th!! new book release, fyi)
    - Old Man's War
    - Foundations
    - Stiff
    - The Bell Jar
    - 1984
    - The Handmaid's Tale
    - Tolkien
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    I love to read!!

    Right now I am reading Catherine Coulter's Backfire. I love mysteries and sci-fi fantasy books. Favorite authors are Margaret Weis (Dragonlance books), James Patterson, George RR Martin (Game of Thrones), Terry Goodkind, and many, many more!! I could go on and on.

    I have also read the Twilight series although mostly for teenage girls. I got "sucked" into it by a friend of mine!! :)

    I've been meaning to get into the Game of Thrones... Especially since I actually met George RR Martin at MisCon, this year (and I got to sit on the iron throne).
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I love to read. I am currently re-reading Good Omens and The Hitchhiker's Guide series. They're my go to books while I'm waiting for the next book in whatever series I'm waiting for. Dresden is definitely one of my favorites and I'm looking forward to the new one.
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    There are so many that I see that I have read or are on my to-read list. Right now I am reading a couple different books, Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson; Change Your Brain Change Your Life by Daniel Amen and Bound, An Arelia Larue Novel by Kira Saito. I jump all over the place when it comes to book. I think they are great and I want to soak them all up.

    I don't know how anyone wants to do this. Would we like to all read one book or maybe have an option of two or three and break up in groups? I know I am not very much into Chick Lit I am more of a Fantasy/Mystery/Horror type of people.

    I think my next book is going to be The Witching Hour. Just depends.
  • GuineaMother
    GuineaMother Posts: 59 Member
    This is just great.
    I belong to a book club through work but they don't meet regularly enough for me. I've always read the book club book and about four others by the time of the next meet!

    Totally up for picking a book and then discussing. I think it would be cool if we all read the same one rather than splitting into genres, then we might discover a gem we might not otherwise have chosen- I know that's what happened to me with my other book club.

    Admin could take suggestions from everyone and pick out of a hat? I'm game for whatever, may have to sit out anything gory though...