Prayer Requests for 2024



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Heard from Surgeon who confirmed my next surgery which will be June 15th. He will finish the work he began on May 18th. He will remove the wires that are keeping left side of mouth and lips closed shut. He has some areas to clean up and remove and will also complete the reconstruction of left side of mouth nose and upper and lower left side of lips that were damaged in previous cancer surgeries.

    My recovery according to surgeon will be long and slow. I still have follow up appointments with my Neurologist and Nerve Pain/Damage Specialist’s regarding the treatment and medications that needs to be done.

    I have CT Scans (Full Body and Brain Scans) coming up in July.

    Thank you for your prayers. You all are so appreciated!

    Thank you Susan Linda Marilyn for your help in keeping the team encouraged and moving forward! 😇
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Please remember to pray for Judith who has further surgery on her face. It is apainful and complicated process. I am hoping her jaws will no longer have to be wired shut at least, but she will need much time and support to heal without complications.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Thank you all for your valued prayers. It means so much to me having you all praying for me.

    I am home now got home about middle of Friday afternoon. I was thankful for my friend Sue who drove me home as this surgery was done at a hospital that was that much farther sea from my regular hospital. Sue also picked up my prescription the hospital called in to my pharmacy for me.

    I have 3 appointments next week. All at VGH.

    One Wednesday with Spinal Nerve Damage specialist at VGH which Sue is kind enough to drive me to that one as with having to be at VGH 2 days in a row and only 1 week after my surgery I especially appreciate the ride, I don’t think I would of been able to handle the long handy dart ride both days in a row.

    I have my Surgeon and my Cardiologist on Thursday and will go on the Handy Dart. It’s going to be challenging. But with God’s help I will get through it all.

    I really need your prayers. Pain Weakness and Swelling of face mouth and lips are the biggies to pray for. 🙏 thank you all and God Bless you! ❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Thank you for your ongoing prayers.

    As you know I had the 2nd part of my surgery on June 15th which sees me at 2nd week post op on this Wednesday.

    I have had a difficult recovery from this last surgery; swelling, drainage and pain.

    Sorry I haven’t signed in for a while. Just been struggling with a lot. Know you are never forgotten but always kept close to my heart. ❤️

    I had my appointments with Both Surgeons and my Cardiologist which were difficult as I was 1 week post op.

    Surgeons have to see me every 2 weeks for next 3 months then every month for 6 months. My recovery is long and slow.

    I have had a difficult recovery with drainage swelling and heaps of pain.

    At the 3 month mark I have exercises to help stretch out the mouth to help healing, I will be on a liquid diet for a while yet. My weight needs to come up as it’s resting at 96 pounds.

    I have to keep up with my appointments with Oncologist as I will have treatment once I recover from the surgeries I had on May 18th and June 15th.

    Appreciate your prayers so much! ❤️🙏😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Judith, thank you so much for checking in and updating how we can pray for you. Please take care and rest as much as possible. So very glad a friend took you to the hospital and home again. Sending lots of prayers and hugs. 💝🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Thank you Susan, the difficulty is getting in enough nourishment and staying hydrated. There is quite a lot of dysfunction in the mouth and swallowing. I see the Surgeon on Thursday July 7th and really need everyone’s prayers as I recover. Thank you all! Love you all. ❤️🙏🤗
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Here is an update and Prayer Request from yesterday’s appointment:

    My appointment was with an Internal Medicine Specialist my Family Doctor referred me to.

    After our discussion and questions being asked about my ongoing situation and the concerns my Family Doctor sent him he told me he is ordering a Scope that will investigate my throat esophagus and stomach which will include biopsies taken from those sites. He said I will need to be sedated and the procedures will be done at VGH.

    He is also bringing the Lab to my home to do some Blood work.

    One thing I will say, I wasn’t expecting to have more scopes and biopsies which is concerning to say the least. I have had so many of them which I was hoping that part of my care was finished and now to be told my Specialist is ordering another scope that is more involved that is also requiring sedation is somewhat un-nerving. It’s a lot to take in and process.

    I don’t know when these procedures and blood work will be done. My Specialist said his Nurse will call me and let me know and the Specialist will call me who is doing the scope prior to meeting me at VGH.

    Just as soon as I get the dates for these appointments I will let you know.

    In closing I want you to know I so appreciate your support and love as I have fought this disease with multiple surgeries and ongoing care. You are such a blessing in which I thank God! ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Praying for you, Judith. I hope and pray for wisdom for the Drs and healing endurance for you. You have a lot to go through. Hugs, hon. 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    Thanks for the update Judith. I am glad that they are being very carefuland thorough in their exams but also agree it is much for you to process.

    I got up early today to try to reset my sleep cycle but I am very tired. I had 3 1/2 hours of sleep per my Fitbit. Florida is two hours ahead of us in Colorado so I need to be tired tonight so I can go to be their time and get used to that. I still have our food to pack and a few things that had to wait until this morning. Have a great day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Thank you Susan and Linda for your kindness and your many prayers.

    Susan I continue to keep you and Colin in prayer.

    Linda I pray you can get enough sleep and feel more rested. It’s hard when one is in a different time zone and trying to get our inner clocks adjusted to sleep in a new time zone.

    I saw my Surgeon on Thursday July 28th. There are quite a few areas of concern that have to be watched for the next 3 months especially.

    As the skin is responding to the graphs and flaps there is more pooling and bubbling and swelling of both upper lip and lower lip and face and mouth. The inner part of sutures are appearing to the surface before they dissolve which is most uncomfortable. The bottom lip has disappeared under the top lip and the side of nose and upper lip has shifted out of proper alignment, Surgeon said it’s normal while there is shifting and smoothing out of skin. He said he believes it will go back but will have to access it at 6 months and make decision of what will be done if it hasn’t gone back. With bottom lip like it is it’s causing more issues with eating. Weight is still low.

    Another concern is on top middle upper lip there appears to be more cancer showing up, it will be watched and looked at August 25th at my Cancer specialist appointment. It showed up few months back and my specialist said it was another form of skin cancer and he treated it. Hopefully he can do the same again.

    Thank you for your prayers. I had 1st set of blood work done on Friday, waiting for next one and for the scopes. Will keep you posted as I know more.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Praying for you, Judith. Your prayers are appreciated also.

    Can you sip foods? I hope you are able to get some high calorie nutritional F IDs that way.

    Big hugs 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    edited August 2022
    Thank you Susan, I use a straw and a Syringe to draw up liquids that are high calorie foods and take in a lot of Boost Nutritional drinks and Congee that has been thinned out with broth. High calorie soups and smoothies that are made thinner so easy to drink! Blessings my friend! Hope that answers your questions. 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Hi Judith. Yes, that makes it clearer! I was thinking that high calorie liquids might be a lifesaver for you 💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good Evening All

    Thursday afternoon I am back to the Cancer Clinic to see Neurologist regarding Nerve Damage and results of tests she did. There also may be a Pet Scan ordered for body face, head and neck. I also have follow up with Oncology regarding the Malignant Melanoma on face lips and mouth.

    Linda, you asked question about treatment; once I recover from both recent surgeries that take 6 months to recover from; the mouth stretching starts during the last 3 months of recovery; once 6 months is completed there is more treatment, they use what they call Targeted Meds therapy and Immunotherapy to kill remaining cancer cells that escaped into the body during all 5 surgeries
    I’ve had.

    Hope this explains the treatment I’ve had and what will be the next step.

    One thing for sure I appreciate your love support friendship and valued prayers! 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Thank you for that update, Judith. Continuing in prayer for you, my friend. 🙏💐
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    Yes that helps Judith. Thanks. It is easier to pray more specifically when you give details like this.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan for your reply and for your prayers. I will bring an update regarding my appointment tomorrow with my Specialists; it’s a long day so will bring an update on the weekend. With the heat and travel to the Clinic it will take me a day to recover my strength. Appreciate your prayers for tomorrow! 🙏❤️😇
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,582 Member
    Here is an update from Thursday’s appointment:

    It was a long and difficult day, the neurologist couldn’t do the assessment as she wanted; she was able to check the body function regarding nerve damage but couldn’t do a complete assessment for head and face, however, she did check my mouth & looked at the surgical site on my face as much as she could given I’m still in recovery.

    And with my face & mouth still healing she can’t order any scans right now. So she is waiting until the recovery from the surgeries. I see her again first of the new year and we go from there.

    What she did say; I need a Pathologist who looks after mouth face, swallowing speaking and facial movement as with all the surgeries they have altered the way my face now functions. My facial movements and mouth need re-training. The mouth also needs stretching out which the surgeon will start next month, but it will be the new speciality who will take over with the stretching and other treatment I need to get everything working properly.

    Neurologist has put in a referral to this specialist and I will be seen in either VGH and or Cancer Clinic as soon as one of these Units can see me. I will keep you informed as I know further.

    My Melanoma Oncologist will continue to care for the cancer issues and I see him again in September in which he will examine and scan the areas of concern.

    This is all I know for now.

    For sure I Praise God for the function I do have and know He will take me the rest of the way! Thanks for your love, kindness, prayers and your friendship.

    God’s Blessings all… 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,697 Member
    Judith, thank you for the update. It sounded like a difficult and tiring day. Glad you were able to get some information about the next steps and yes, praise God for bringing you this far! He will always be with you, through sickness and health. Gentle hugs, my friend.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    thanks for the update! Our bodies are so amazing that they can relearn things after trauma has occurred. I pray that your body recovers well with the expertise of the specialists. It will be a time when you can feel more energy and less pain. I look forward to hearing the changes your body makes as it heals. Bless you - happy sleep my friend.